
The FBNativeAd represents ad metadata to allow you to construct custom ad views. See the NativeAdSample in the sample apps section of the Audience Network framework.

Declared in:FBNativeAd.h
Thuộc tính

Call isAdValid to check whether native ad is valid & internal consistent prior rendering using its properties. If rendering is done as part of the loadAd callback, it is guarantee to be consistent

@property (nonatomic, getter=isAdValid, readonly) BOOL adValid;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Typed access to the body text, usually a longer description of the ad.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *body;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Typed access to the call to action phrase of the ad, for example "Install Now".

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *callToAction;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Typed access to the ad cover image creative. See FBAdImage for details.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) FBAdImage *coverImage;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

The delegate

@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<FBNativeAdDelegate> delegate;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Typed access to the ad icon. See FBAdImage for details.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) FBAdImage *icon;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Set the native ad caching policy. This controls which media (images, video, etc) from the native ad are cached before the native ad calls nativeAdLoaded on its delegate. The default is to not block on caching. Ensure that media is loaded through FBMediaView or through [FBAdImage loadImageAsyncWithBlock:] to take full advantage of caching.

@property (nonatomic, assign) FBNativeAdsCachePolicy mediaCachePolicy;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Typed access to the id of the ad placement.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nonnull) NSString *placementID;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Typed access to the ad social context, for example "Over half a million users".

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *socialContext;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Typed access to the ad star rating. See FBAdStarRating for details.

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) struct FBAdStarRating starRating FB_DEPRECATED;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Typed access to the ad subtitle.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *subtitle;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Typed access to the ad title.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *title;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h
Phương thức thực thể

This is a method to initialize a FBNativeAd object matching the given placement id.

Thông sốMô tả

The id of the ad placement. You can create your placement id from Facebook developers page.

- (instancetype)
initWithPlacementID: (NSString *)placementID
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

Begins loading the FBNativeAd content.

- (void) loadAd;

You can implement nativeAdDidLoad: and nativeAd:didFailWithError: methods of FBNativeAdDelegate if you would like to be notified as loading succeeds or fails.

Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

This is a method to associate a FBNativeAd with the UIView you will use to display the native ads.

Thông sốMô tả

The UIView you created to render all the native ads data elements.


The UIViewController that will be used to present SKStoreProductViewController (iTunes Store product information) or the in-app browser. If nil is passed, the top view controller currently shown will be used.

- (void)
registerViewForInteraction: (UIView *)view
withViewController: (nullable UIViewController *)viewController;

The whole area of the UIView will be clickable.

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This is a method to associate FBNativeAd with the UIView you will use to display the native ads and set clickable areas.

Thông sốMô tả

The UIView you created to render all the native ads data elements.


The UIViewController that will be used to present SKStoreProductViewController (iTunes Store product information). If nil is passed, the top view controller currently shown will be used.


An array of UIView you created to render the native ads data element, e.g. CallToAction button, Icon image, which you want to specify as clickable.

- (void)
registerViewForInteraction: (UIView *)view
withViewController: (nullable UIViewController *)viewController
withClickableViews: (FB_NSArrayOf(UIView *)*)clickableViews;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h

This is a method to disconnect a FBNativeAd with the UIView you used to display the native ads.

- (void) unregisterView;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBNativeAd.h