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The FBViewController class is a base class encapsulating functionality common to several other view controller classes. Specifically, it provides UI when a view controller is presented modally, in the form of optional Cancel and Done buttons.

Inherits from:UIViewController
Declared in:FBViewController.h

The Cancel button to display when presented modally. If nil, no Cancel button is displayed. If this button is provided, its target and action will be redirected to internal handlers, replacing any previous target that may have been set.

@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *cancelButton;
تم الكشف في: FBViewController.h

The view into which derived classes should put their subviews. This view will be resized correctly depending on whether or not a toolbar is displayed.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, retain) UIView *canvasView;
تم الكشف في: FBViewController.h

The delegate that will be called when Cancel or Done is pressed. Derived classes may specify derived types for their delegates that provide additional functionality.

@property (nonatomic, assign) IBOutlet id<FBViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
تم الكشف في: FBViewController.h

The Done button to display when presented modally. If nil, no Done button is displayed. If this button is provided, its target and action will be redirected to internal handlers, replacing any previous target that may have been set.

@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *doneButton;
تم الكشف في: FBViewController.h
طرق المثيلات

Provides a wrapper that presents the view controller modally and automatically dismisses it when either the Done or Cancel button is pressed.


The view controller that is presenting this view controller.


If YES, presenting and dismissing the view controller is animated.


The block called when the Done or Cancel button is pressed.

- (void)
presentModallyFromViewController: (UIViewController*)viewController
animated: (BOOL)animated
handler: (FBModalCompletionHandler)handler;
تم الكشف في: FBViewController.h

A block that is passed to [FBViewController presentModallyInViewController:animated:handler:] and called when the view controller is dismissed via either Done or Cancel.

typedef void (^FBModalCompletionHandler)(
FBViewController *sender,
BOOL donePressed);
تم الكشف في: FBViewController.h