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An instance of FBProfilePictureView is used to display a profile picture.

The default behavior of this control is to center the profile picture in the view and shrinks it, if necessary, to the view's bounds, preserving the aspect ratio. The smallest possible image is downloaded to ensure that scaling up never happens. Resizing the view may result in a different size of the image being loaded. Canonical image sizes are documented in the "Pictures" section of https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api.

Inherits from:UIView
Declared in:FBProfilePictureView.h
Thuộc tính

The cropping to use for the profile picture.

@property (nonatomic) FBProfilePictureCropping pictureCropping;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBProfilePictureView.h

The Facebook ID of the user, place or object for which a picture should be fetched and displayed.

@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString* profileID;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBProfilePictureView.h
Phương thức thực thể

Initializes and returns a profile view object.

- (id) init;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBProfilePictureView.h

Initializes and returns a profile view object for the given Facebook ID and cropping.

Thông sốMô tả

The Facebook ID of the user, place or object for which a picture should be fetched and displayed.


The cropping to use for the profile picture.

- (id)
initWithProfileID: (NSString*)profileID
pictureCropping: (FBProfilePictureCropping)pictureCropping;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBProfilePictureView.h
FBProfilePictureCropping enum

Type used to specify the cropping treatment of the profile picture.

typedef enum {
FBProfilePictureCroppingSquare = 0,
FBProfilePictureCroppingOriginal = 1
} FBProfilePictureCropping;
Hằng sốMô tả

Square (default) - the square version that the Facebook user defined.


Original - the original profile picture, as uploaded.

Đã tuyên bố trong: FBProfilePictureView.h