Lớp này không còn khả dụng trong phiên bản gần đây nhất của SDK.

The FBAppAction object is used to encapsulate state when a third party app performs an action that requires switching over to the native Facebook app.

  • Each FBAppAction instance will have a unique ID
  • This object is passed into an FBAppActionCompletionHandler for context
Inherits from:NSObject
Declared in:FBAppAction.h
Thuộc tính

The arguments being passed to the entity that will perform the action

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSDictionary *arguments;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBAppAction.h

Client JSON state that is necessary in the completion handler for complete context

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSDictionary *clientState;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBAppAction.h

The ID of this FBAppAction instance

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *ID;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBAppAction.h

The method being performed for this action

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *method;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBAppAction.h
Phương thức nhóm

A helper method that should be called when the application's applicationDidBecomeActive: is invoked, to maintain proper book keeping of pending FBAppActions. If any pending actions are found, their registered callbacks will be invoked with appropriate state

+ (void) handleDidBecomeActive;
Đã tuyên bố trong: FBAppAction.h

A helper method that is used to provide an implementation for [UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:]. It should be invoked for the proper processing of responses during interaction with the native Facebook app or as part of SSO authorization flow.

+ (BOOL)
handleOpenURL: (NSURL *)url
sourceApplication: (NSString *)sourceApplication
fallbackHandler: (FBAppActionCompletionHandler)handler;

See + handleOpenUrl:withSession:fallbackHandler:

Đã tuyên bố trong: FBAppAction.h

A helper method that is used to provide an implementation for [UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:]. It should be invoked for the proper processing of responses during interaction with the native Facebook app or as part of SSO authorization flow.

+ (BOOL)
handleOpenURL: (NSURL *)url
sourceApplication: (NSString *)sourceApplication
withSession: (FBSession *)session;

See + handleOpenUrl:withSession:fallbackHandler:

Đã tuyên bố trong: FBAppAction.h

A helper method that is used to provide an implementation for [UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:]. It should be invoked for the proper processing of responses during interaction with the native Facebook app or as part of SSO authorization flow.

Thông sốMô tả

The URL as passed to [UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:].


The sourceApplication as passed to [UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:].


If this url is being sent back to this app as part of SSO authorization flow, then pass in the session that was being opened. A nil value defaults to FBSession.activeSession


Optional handler to execute if no completion handler was found for the action in this URL. A completion handler is not a requirement for a url to be handled.

+ (BOOL)
handleOpenURL: (NSURL *)url
sourceApplication: (NSString *)sourceApplication
withSession: (FBSession *)session
fallbackHandler: (FBAppActionCompletionHandler)handler;
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Phương thức thực thể

Compares the receiving FBAppAction to the passed in FBAppAction

- (BOOL) isEqualToAppAction:(FBAppAction *)appAction;
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A block that is passed to performAction to register for a callback with the results of that action

typedef void (^FBAppActionCompletionHandler)(
FBAppAction *action,
NSDictionary *results,
NSError *error);

Pass a block of this type when calling performAction. This will be called once the action completes. The call occurs on the UI thread.

Đã tuyên bố trong: FBAppAction.h