Cette classe n’est plus disponible dans la version la plus récente du SDK.

The FBAppAction object is used to encapsulate state when a third party app performs an action that requires switching over to the native Facebook app.

  • Each FBAppAction instance will have a unique ID
  • This object is passed into an FBAppActionCompletionHandler for context
Inherits from:NSObject
Declared in:FBAppAction.h

The arguments being passed to the entity that will perform the action

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSDictionary *arguments;
Déclaré dans : FBAppAction.h

Client JSON state that is necessary in the completion handler for complete context

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSDictionary *clientState;
Déclaré dans : FBAppAction.h

The ID of this FBAppAction instance

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *ID;
Déclaré dans : FBAppAction.h

The method being performed for this action

@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSString *method;
Déclaré dans : FBAppAction.h
Méthodes Class

A helper method that should be called when the application's applicationDidBecomeActive: is invoked, to maintain proper book keeping of pending FBAppActions. If any pending actions are found, their registered callbacks will be invoked with appropriate state

+ (void) handleDidBecomeActive;
Déclaré dans : FBAppAction.h

A helper method that is used to provide an implementation for [UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:]. It should be invoked for the proper processing of responses during interaction with the native Facebook app or as part of SSO authorization flow.

+ (BOOL)
handleOpenURL: (NSURL *)url
sourceApplication: (NSString *)sourceApplication
fallbackHandler: (FBAppActionCompletionHandler)handler;

See + handleOpenUrl:withSession:fallbackHandler:

Déclaré dans : FBAppAction.h

A helper method that is used to provide an implementation for [UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:]. It should be invoked for the proper processing of responses during interaction with the native Facebook app or as part of SSO authorization flow.

+ (BOOL)
handleOpenURL: (NSURL *)url
sourceApplication: (NSString *)sourceApplication
withSession: (FBSession *)session;

See + handleOpenUrl:withSession:fallbackHandler:

Déclaré dans : FBAppAction.h

A helper method that is used to provide an implementation for [UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:]. It should be invoked for the proper processing of responses during interaction with the native Facebook app or as part of SSO authorization flow.


The URL as passed to [UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:].


The sourceApplication as passed to [UIApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:].


If this url is being sent back to this app as part of SSO authorization flow, then pass in the session that was being opened. A nil value defaults to FBSession.activeSession


Optional handler to execute if no completion handler was found for the action in this URL. A completion handler is not a requirement for a url to be handled.

+ (BOOL)
handleOpenURL: (NSURL *)url
sourceApplication: (NSString *)sourceApplication
withSession: (FBSession *)session
fallbackHandler: (FBAppActionCompletionHandler)handler;
Déclaré dans : FBAppAction.h
Méthodes d’instance

Compares the receiving FBAppAction to the passed in FBAppAction

- (BOOL) isEqualToAppAction:(FBAppAction *)appAction;
Déclaré dans : FBAppAction.h

A block that is passed to performAction to register for a callback with the results of that action

typedef void (^FBAppActionCompletionHandler)(
FBAppAction *action,
NSDictionary *results,
NSError *error);

Pass a block of this type when calling performAction. This will be called once the action completes. The call occurs on the UI thread.

Déclaré dans : FBAppAction.h