This class is no longer available in the most recent version of the SDK.
A more recent version of this class is available. Check out the latest version.

FBLoginView is a custom UIView that renders a button to login or logout based on the state of FBSession.activeSession


This view is closely associated with FBSession.activeSession. Upon initialization, it will attempt to open an active session without UI if the current active session is not open.

The FBLoginView instance also monitors for changes to the active session.

Please note: Since FBLoginView observes the active session, using multiple FBLoginView instances in different parts of your app can result in each instance's delegates being notified of changes for one event.

Inherits from:UIView
Declared in:FBLoginView.h

The default audience to use, if publish permissions are requested at login time.

@property (nonatomic, assign) FBSessionDefaultAudience defaultAudience;
Declared In: FBLoginView.h

The delegate object that receives updates for selection and display control.

@property (nonatomic, assign) IBOutlet id<FBLoginViewDelegate> delegate;
Declared In: FBLoginView.h

The login behavior for the active session if the user logs in via this view

@property (nonatomic) FBSessionLoginBehavior loginBehavior;

The default value is FBSessionLoginBehaviorUseSystemAccountIfPresent.

Declared In: FBLoginView.h

The permissions to login with. Defaults to nil, meaning basic permissions.

@property (readwrite, copy) NSArray *permissions __attribute__((deprecated

Methods and properties that specify permissions without a read or publish qualification are deprecated; use of a read-qualified or publish-qualified alternative is preferred.

Declared In: FBLoginView.h

The publish permissions to request if the user logs in via this view.

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *publishPermissions;

Note, that a defaultAudience value of FBSessionDefaultAudienceOnlyMe, FBSessionDefaultAudienceEveryone, or FBSessionDefaultAudienceFriends should be set if publish permissions are specified. Additionally, when publish permissions are specified, then read should not be specified.

Declared In: FBLoginView.h

The read permissions to request if the user logs in via this view. The basic_info permission must be explicitly requested at first login, and is no longer inferred, (subject to an active migration.)

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *readPermissions;

Note, that if read permissions are specified, then publish permissions should not be specified.

Declared In: FBLoginView.h
Instance Methods

Initializes and returns an FBLoginView object. The underlying session has basic permissions granted to it.

- (instancetype) init;
Declared In: FBLoginView.h

Initializes and returns an FBLoginView object constructed with the specified permissions.


An array of strings representing the permissions to request during the authentication flow. A value of nil will indicates basic permissions.

- (instancetype) initWithPermissions:(NSArray *)permissions __attribute__((deprecated));

Methods and properties that specify permissions without a read or publish qualification are deprecated; use of a read-qualified or publish-qualified alternative is preferred.

Declared In: FBLoginView.h

Initializes and returns an FBLoginView object constructed with the specified permissions.


An array of strings representing the publish permissions to request during the authentication flow.


An audience for published posts; note that FBSessionDefaultAudienceNone is not valid for permission requests that include publish or manage permissions.

- (instancetype)
initWithPublishPermissions: (NSArray *)publishPermissions
defaultAudience: (FBSessionDefaultAudience)defaultAudience;
Declared In: FBLoginView.h

Initializes and returns an FBLoginView object constructed with the specified permissions.


An array of strings representing the read permissions to request during the authentication flow. A value of nil will indicates basic permissions.

- (instancetype) initWithReadPermissions:(NSArray *)readPermissions;
Declared In: FBLoginView.h