
Represents dialogs provided by Facebook

Phương thức thực thể

Indicates whether the dialog can be shown for the content passed in.

public boolean canShow(Object content)
Thông sốMô tả
contentThe content to check
True if the dialog can be shown

Shows the dialog for the content passed in.

public void show(Object content)
Thông sốMô tả
contentThe content to show
registerCallback(CallbackManager, FacebookCallback)

Allows the registration of a callback that will be executed once the dialog is closed, with success, cancel or error details. This should be called in the Activity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) or Fragment.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) methods.

public void registerCallback(CallbackManager callbackManager, FacebookCallback callback)
Thông sốMô tả
callbackManagerCallbackManager instance that will handle the onActivityResult
callbackCallback to be called upon dialog completion
registerCallback(CallbackManager, FacebookCallback, int)

Allows the registration of a callback that will be executed once the dialog is closed, with success, cancel or error details. This should be called in the Activity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) or Fragment.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) methods.

public void registerCallback(CallbackManager callbackManager, FacebookCallback callback, int requestCode)
Thông sốMô tả
callbackManagerCallbackManager instance that will handle the Activity Result
callbackCallback to be called upon dialog completion
requestCodeThe request code to use, this should be outside of the range of those reserved for the Facebook SDK FacebookSdk.isFacebookRequestCode(int).