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Provides functionality to send requests in games. see

Mở rộng:FacebookDialogBase
Xây dựng

Constructs a new RequestDialog.

public GameRequestDialog(Activity activity)
Thông sốMô tả
activityActivity hosting the dialog.

Constructs a new RequestDialog.

public GameRequestDialog(Fragment fragment)
Thông sốMô tả
fragmentFragment hosting the dialog.
Phương thức nhóm

Indicates whether the game request dialog can be shown.

public static boolean canShow()
True if the dialog can be shown
show(Activity, GameRequestContent)

Shows a GameRequestDialog to send a request, using the passed in activity. No callback will be invoked.

public static void show(Activity activity, GameRequestContent gameRequestContent)
Thông sốMô tả
activityActivity hosting the dialog.
gameRequestContentContent of the request.
show(Fragment, GameRequestContent)

Shows a GameRequestDialog to send a request, using the passed in activity. No callback will be invoked.

public static void show(Fragment fragment, GameRequestContent gameRequestContent)
Thông sốMô tả
fragmentFragment hosting the dialog.
gameRequestContentContent of the request.