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Provides an implementation for the AppLinkResolver interface that uses the Facebook App Link index to resolve App Links given a URL. It also provides an additional helper method that can resolve multiple App Links in a single call.

Prolonge :Object
Package :applinks
public FacebookAppLinkResolver()
Méthodes d’instance

Asynchronously resolves App Link data for the passed in Uri

public <any> getAppLinkFromUrlInBackground(Uri uri)
uriUri to be resolved into an App Link
A Task that, when successful, will return an AppLink for the passed in Uri. This may be null if no App Link data was found for this Uri. In the case of general server errors, the task will be completed with the corresponding error.

Asynchronously resolves App Link data for multiple URLs

public <any> getAppLinkFromUrlsInBackground(List uris)
urisA list of Uri objects to resolve into App Links
A Task that, when successful, will return a Map of Uri->AppLink for each Uri that was successfully resolved into an App Link. Uris that could not be resolved into App Links will not be present in the Map. In the case of general server errors, the task will be completed with the corresponding error.