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This displays a popup tool tip for a specified view.

Mở rộng:Object
Xây dựng
ToolTipPopup(String, View)

Create a new ToolTipPopup

public ToolTipPopup(String text, View anchor)
Thông sốMô tả
textThe text to be displayed in the tool tip
anchorThe view to anchor this tool tip to.
Phương thức thực thể

Sets the ToolTipPopup.Style of this tool tip.

public void setStyle(Style mStyle)
Thông sốMô tả
mStyleThe style for the tool tip

Display this tool tip to the user

public void show()

Set the time (in milliseconds) the tool tip will be displayed. Any number less than or equal to 0 will cause the tool tip to be displayed indefinitely

public void setNuxDisplayTime(long displayTime)
Thông sốMô tả
displayTimeThe amount of time (in milliseconds) to display the tool tip

Dismiss the tool tip

public void dismiss()
The default time that the tool tip will be displayed
public static final long DEFAULT_POPUP_DISPLAY_TIME