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Parameters used by MessengerUtils for sending the media to Messenger to share. See developer docs for more info.

Mở rộng:Object
Phương thức nhóm
newBuilder(Uri, String)

Creates a new builder for creating a ShareToMessengerParams instance

public static ShareToMessengerParamsBuilder newBuilder(Uri uri, String mimeType)
Thông sốMô tả
uriThe uri of the local content. Must be a file://, content://, or res:// URI.
mimeTypeThe mime-type of the content. See ShareToMessengerParams.VALID_MIME_TYPES for what mime types are supported.
The builder instance
public static final Set VALID_URI_SCHEMES
public static final Set VALID_MIME_TYPES
public static final Set VALID_EXTERNAL_URI_SCHEMES
The URI of the local image, video, or audio clip to send to messenger. Must be a file://, content://, or res:// URI.
public final Uri uri
The mime type of the content. See ShareToMessengerParams.VALID_MIME_TYPES for what mime types are supported.
public final String mimeType
The metadata to attach to the content to shared. See developer docs for more info.
public final String metaData
An external URI that Messenger can use to download the content on Facebook's servers instead of requiring the Messenger application to upload the content. The content returned by the this URI must be exactly the same as the content specified by ShareToMessengerParams.uri. If the content is different, Messenger may fail to send the content. See developer docs for more info.
public final Uri externalUri