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Provides functionality to send content via the Facebook Message Dialog

Mở rộng:FacebookDialogBase
Triển khai:Sharer
Xây dựng

Constructs a MessageDialog.

public MessageDialog(Activity activity)
Thông sốMô tả
activityActivity to use to send the provided content.

Constructs a MessageDialog.

public MessageDialog(Fragment fragment)
Thông sốMô tả to use to send the provided content.

Constructs a MessageDialog.

public MessageDialog(Fragment fragment)
Thông sốMô tả to use to send the provided content.
Phương thức nhóm
show(Activity, ShareContent)

Helper to show the provided ShareContent using the provided Activity. No callback will be invoked.

public static void show(Activity activity, ShareContent shareContent)
Thông sốMô tả
activityActivity to use to send the provided content
shareContentContent to send
show(Fragment, ShareContent)

Helper to show the provided ShareContent using the provided Fragment. No callback will be invoked.

public static void show(Fragment fragment, ShareContent shareContent)
Thông sốMô tả to use to send the provided content
shareContentContent to send
show(Fragment, ShareContent)

Helper to show the provided ShareContent using the provided Fragment. No callback will be invoked.

public static void show(Fragment fragment, ShareContent shareContent)
Thông sốMô tả to use to send the provided content
shareContentContent to send

Indicates whether it is possible to show the dialog for ShareContent of the specified type.

public static boolean canShow(Class contentType)
Thông sốMô tả
contentTypeClass of the intended ShareContent to send.
True if the specified content type can be shown via the dialog
Phương thức thực thể

Specifies whether the sharer should fail if it finds an error with the share content. If false, the share dialog will still be displayed without the data that was mis-configured. For example, an invalid placeID specified on the shareContent would produce a data error.

public boolean getShouldFailOnDataError()
A Boolean value.
public boolean getShouldFailOnDataError()

Specifies whether the sharer should fail if it finds an error with the share content. If false, the share dialog will still be displayed without the data that was mis-configured. For example, an invalid placeID specified on the shareContent would produce a data error.

public void setShouldFailOnDataError(boolean shouldFailOnDataError)
Thông sốMô tả
shouldFailOnDataErrorWhether the dialog should fail if it finds an error.
public void setShouldFailOnDataError(boolean shouldFailOnDataError)
Thông sốMô tả