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This class implements a simple BroadcastReceiver designed to listen for broadcast notifications from the Facebook app. At present, these notifications consistent of success/failure notifications for photo upload operations that happen in the background.

Applications may subclass this class and register it in their AndroidManifest.xml. The receiver is listening the com.facebook.platform.AppCallResultBroadcast action.

Mở rộng:BroadcastReceiver
Xây dựng
public FacebookBroadcastReceiver()
Phương thức thực thể
onSuccessfulAppCall(String, String, Bundle)

Invoked when the operation was completed successfully.

protected void onSuccessfulAppCall(String appCallId, String action, Bundle extras)
Thông sốMô tả
appCallIdThe App Call ID.
actionThe action performed.
extrasAny extra information.
onFailedAppCall(String, String, Bundle)

Invoked when the operation failed to complete.

protected void onFailedAppCall(String appCallId, String action, Bundle extras)
Thông sốMô tả
appCallIdThe App Call ID.
actionThe action performed.
extrasAny extra information.