AccessToken | This class represents an immutable access token for using Facebook APIs |
AccessTokenSource | Indicates where a Facebook access token was obtained from |
AccessTokenTracker | This class can be extended to receive notifications of access token changes |
AppEventsConstants | Predefined event and parameter names for logging events common to many apps |
AppEventsLogger |
The AppEventsLogger class allows the developer to log various types of events back to Facebook |
AppEventsLogger.FlushBehavior | Controls when an AppEventsLogger sends log events to the server |
AppGroupCreationContent | Describes the content that will be displayed by the AppGroupCreationDialog |
AppGroupCreationContent.AppGroupPrivacy | Specifies the privacy of a group |
AppGroupCreationContent.Builder | Builder class for a concrete instance of AppGroupCreationContent |
AppInviteContent | Describes the content that will be displayed by the AppInviteDialog |
AppInviteContent.Builder | Builder class for a concrete instance of AppInviteContent |
AppInviteDialog | A dialog for inviting users |
AppInviteDialog.Result | Helper object for handling the result from an app invites dialog |
AppLinkData | Class to encapsulate an app link, and provide methods for constructing the data from various
sources |
CallbackManager.Factory | The factory class for the CallbackManager |
CreateAppGroupDialog | A dialog for creating app groups |
CreateAppGroupDialog.Result | Helper object for handling the result from a create app group dialog |
DefaultAudience | Certain operations such as publishing a status or publishing a photo require an audience |
FacebookActivity | This Activity is a necessary part of the overall Facebook SDK,
but is not meant to be used directly |
FacebookAppLinkResolver | Provides an implementation for the AppLinkResolver interface that uses
the Facebook App Link index to resolve App Links given a URL |
FacebookBroadcastReceiver | This class implements a simple BroadcastReceiver designed to listen for broadcast notifications
from the Facebook app |
FacebookButtonBase | A base class for a facebook button |
FacebookContentProvider | Implements a
ContentProvider that can be used to provide binary attachments (e |
FacebookRequestError | This class represents an error that occurred during a Facebook request |
FacebookRequestError.Category | An enum that represents the Facebook SDK classification for the error that occurred |
FacebookSdk | This class allows some customization of Facebook SDK behavior |
GameRequestContent | Describes the content that will be displayed by the GameRequestDialog |
GameRequestContent.ActionType | |
GameRequestContent.Builder | Builder class for a concrete instance of GameRequestContent |
GameRequestContent.Filters | |
GameRequestDialog | Provides functionality to send requests in games |
GameRequestDialog.Result | Helper object for handling the result from a requests dialog |
GraphRequest |
A single request to be sent to the Facebook Platform through the Graph API |
GraphRequest.ParcelableResourceWithMimeType | Used during serialization for the graph request |
GraphRequestAsyncTask | Defines an AsyncTask suitable for executing a Request in the background |
GraphRequestBatch | RequestBatch contains a list of Request objects that can be sent to Facebook in a single
round-trip |
GraphResponse | Encapsulates the response, successful or otherwise, of a call to the Facebook platform |
GraphResponse.PagingDirection | Indicates whether paging is being done forward or backward |
HttpMethod | Enumeration of HTTP methods supported by Request |
JoinAppGroupDialog | A dialog for joining app groups |
JoinAppGroupDialog.Result | Helper object for handling the result from a join app group dialog |
LikeView | This class provides the UI for displaying the Facebook Like button and its associated components |
LikeView.AuxiliaryViewPosition | Encapsulates the valid values for the facebook:auxiliary_view_position attribute for a
LikeView |
LikeView.HorizontalAlignment | Encapsulates the valid values for the facebook:horizontal_alignment attribute for a LikeView |
LikeView.ObjectType | Encapsulates the valid values for the facebook:object_type attribute for a LikeView |
LikeView.Style | Encapsulates the valid values for the facebook:style attribute for a LikeView |
LoggingBehavior | Specifies different categories of logging messages that can be generated |
LoginBehavior | Specifies the behaviors to try during login |
LoginButton | A Log In/Log Out button that maintains login state and logs in/out for the app |
LoginButton.ToolTipMode | The display modes for the login button tool tip |
LoginFragment | This Fragment is a necessary part of the overall Facebook login process
but is not meant to be used directly |
LoginManager | This class manages login and permissions for Facebook |
LoginResult | This class shows the results of a login operation |
MessageDialog | Provides functionality to send content via the Facebook Message Dialog |
Profile | This class represents a basic Facebook profile |
ProfilePictureView | View that displays the profile photo of a supplied profile ID, while conforming
to user specified dimensions |
ProfileTracker | This class can be extended to receive notifications of profile changes |
SendButton | A button to share content through Messenger |
ShareApi | Provides an interface for sharing through the graph API |
ShareButton | A button to share content on Facebook |
ShareButtonBase | A base class for sharing buttons |
ShareContent | Provides the base class for content to be shared |
ShareContent.Builder | Abstract builder for ShareContent |
ShareDialog | Provides functionality to share content via the Facebook Share Dialog |
ShareDialog.Mode | The mode for the share dialog |
ShareLinkContent | Describes link content to be shared |
ShareLinkContent.Builder | Builder for the ShareLinkContent interface |
ShareOpenGraphAction | Describes an Open Graph action
Use ShareOpenGraphAction |
ShareOpenGraphAction.Builder | Builder for the ShareOpenGraphAction interface |
ShareOpenGraphContent | Describes Open Graph content that is to be shared
Use ShareOpenGraphContent |
ShareOpenGraphContent.Builder | Builder for the ShareOpenGraphContent interface |
ShareOpenGraphObject | Describes an Open Graph Object to be created |
ShareOpenGraphObject.Builder | Builder for the ShareOpenGraphObject interface |
ShareOpenGraphValueContainer | Provides an abstract class to contain Open Graph values |
ShareOpenGraphValueContainer.Builder | Abstract builder for the ShareOpenGraphValueContainer class |
SharePhoto | Describes a photo for sharing |
SharePhoto.Builder | Builder for the SharePhoto interface |
SharePhotoContent | Describes photo content to be shared |
SharePhotoContent.Builder | Builder for the SharePhotoContent interface |
Sharer.Result | Helper object for handling the result from a share dialog or share operation |
ShareVideo | Describes a video for sharing |
ShareVideo.Builder | Builder for the ShareVideo interface |
ShareVideoContent | Provides the interface for video content to be shared |
ShareVideoContent.Builder | Builder for the ShareVideoContent interface |
TestUserManager | This class manages Facebook test users |
ToolTipPopup | This displays a popup tool tip for a specified view |
ToolTipPopup.Style | The values here describe the styles available for the tool tip class |