AccessToken | This class represents an access token returned by the Facebook Login service, along with associated
metadata such as its expiration date and permissions |
AccessTokenSource | Indicates where a Facebook access token was obtained from |
AppEventsConstants | Predefined event and parameter names for logging events common to many apps |
AppEventsLogger |
The AppEventsLogger class allows the developer to log various types of events back to Facebook |
AppEventsLogger.FlushBehavior | Controls when an AppEventsLogger sends log events to the server |
AppLinkData | Class to encapsulate an app link, and provide methods for constructing the data from various sources |
AsyncFacebookRunner | A sample implementation of asynchronous API requests |
DialogError | Encapsulation of Dialog Error |
FacebookBroadcastReceiver | This class implements a simple BroadcastReceiver designed to listen for broadcast notifications from the
Facebook app |
FacebookDialog | |
FacebookDialog.OpenGraphActionDialogBuilder | Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native
Open Graph action publish dialog |
FacebookDialog.OpenGraphActionDialogFeature | Defines a set of features that may be supported by the native Open Graph dialogs exposed by the Facebook
application |
FacebookDialog.PendingCall | Encapsulates information about a call being made to the Facebook application for Android |
FacebookDialog.PhotoShareDialogBuilder | Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native
Share dialog for sharing photos |
FacebookDialog.ShareDialogBuilder | Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native
Share dialog |
FacebookDialog.ShareDialogFeature | Defines a set of features that may be supported by the native Share dialog exposed by the Facebook application |
FacebookRequestError | This class represents an error that occurred during a Facebook request |
FacebookRequestError.Category | An enum that represents the Facebook SDK classification for the error that occurred |
FbDialog | This class is deprecated |
FriendPickerFragment | Provides a Fragment that displays a list of a user's friends and allows one or more of the
friends to be selected |
GraphObject.Factory | Creates proxies that implement GraphObject, GraphObjectList, and their derived types |
HttpMethod | Enumeration of HTTP methods supported by Request |
InsightsLogger | This class is deprecated |
LegacyHelper | LegacyHelper is solely for the use of other packages within the Facebook SDK for Android |
LoggingBehavior | Specifies different categories of logging messages that can be generated |
LoginActivity | This Activity is a necessary part of the overall Facebook login process
but is not meant to be used directly |
LoginButton | A Log In/Log Out button that maintains session state and logs
in/out for the app |
NativeAppCallAttachmentStore | This class works in conjunction with NativeAppCallContentProvider to allow apps to attach binary
attachments (e |
NativeAppCallContentProvider | Implements a
ContentProvider that can be used to provide binary attachments (e |
NonCachingTokenCachingStrategy | Implements a trivial TokenCachingStrategy that does not actually cache any tokens |
OpenGraphAction.Factory | Exposes helpers for creating instances of OpenGraphAction |
OpenGraphObject.Factory | Exposes helpers for creating instances of OpenGraphObject |
PickerFragment | Provides functionality common to SDK UI elements that allow the user to pick one or more
graph objects (e |
PlacePickerFragment | |
ProfilePictureView | View that displays the profile photo of a supplied profile ID, while conforming
to user specified dimensions |
Request | A single request to be sent to the Facebook Platform through either the Graph API or REST API |
RequestAsyncTask | Defines an AsyncTask suitable for executing a Request in the background |
RequestBatch | RequestBatch contains a list of Request objects that can be sent to Facebook in a single round-trip |
Response | Encapsulates the response, successful or otherwise, of a call to the Facebook platform |
Response.PagingDirection | Indicates whether paging is being done forward or backward |
Session |
Session is used to authenticate a user and manage the user's session with
Facebook |
Session.AuthorizationRequest | Base class for authorization requests Session |
Session.Builder | Builder class used to create a Session |
Session.NewPermissionsRequest | A request to be used to request new permissions for a Session |
Session.OpenRequest | A request used to open a Session |
SessionDefaultAudience | Certain operations such as publishing a status or publishing a photo require an audience |
SessionLoginBehavior | Specifies the behaviors to try during
openForRead |
SessionState |
Identifies the state of a Session |
Settings | Allows some customization of sdk behavior |
SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy | |
TestSession | Implements an subclass of Session that knows about test users for a particular
application |
TokenCachingStrategy |
A base class for implementations of a Session token cache |
UiLifecycleHelper | This class helps to create, automatically open (if applicable), save, and
restore the Active Session in a way that is similar to Android UI lifecycles |
UserSettingsFragment | A Fragment that displays a Login/Logout button as well as the user's
profile picture and name when logged in |
Util | Utility class supporting the Facebook Object |
WebDialog | This class provides a mechanism for displaying Facebook Web dialogs inside a Dialog |
WebDialog.Builder | Provides a builder that allows construction of an arbitary Facebook web dialog |
WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder | Provides a builder that allows construction of the parameters for showing
the Feed Dialog |
WebDialog.RequestsDialogBuilder | Provides a builder that allows construction of the parameters for showing
the Requests Dialog |