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Defines a set of features that may be supported by the native Open Graph action dialog exposed by the Facebook application. As additional features are added, these flags may be passed to FacebookDialog.canPresentOpenGraphActionDialog(android.content.Context, com.facebook.widget.FacebookDialog.OpenGraphActionDialogFeature...) to determine whether the version of the Facebook application installed on the user's device is recent enough to support specific features, which in turn may be used to determine which UI, etc., to present to the user.

Mở rộng:Enum
Triển khai:DialogFeature
Phương thức nhóm
public static OpenGraphActionDialogFeature values()
public static OpenGraphActionDialogFeature valueOf(String name)
Thông sốMô tả
Phương thức thực thể

This method is for internal use only.

public int getMinVersion()
Indicates whether the native Open Graph action dialog itself is supported by the installed version of the Facebook application.
public static final OpenGraphActionDialogFeature OG_ACTION_DIALOG