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NativeAd provides ad creative for apps to rendered in custom layout.

To use NativeAd, do the following:

NativeAd nativeAd = new NativeAd(context, PLACEMENT_ID); nativeAd.setAdListener(new AdListener() { public void onAdLoaded(Ad ad) { if (ad == nativeAd) { // Renders the ad using creative properties String adTitle = getAdTitle(); } } // rest of AdListener implementation omitted }); nativeAd.loadAd();

Before displaying the ad, call NativeAd.registerViewForInteraction(View viewContainer) to handle logging of ad impressions and clicks.

Prolonge :NativeAdInternal
Package :ads
NativeAd(Context, String)

Constructs an NativeAd using the given context and placement id.

public NativeAd(Context context, String placementId)
contextAndroid context
placementIdId of ad placement
Méthodes Class
downloadAndDisplayImage(Image, ImageView)

Downloads the given Image and displays it in the given ImageView.

This method always returns immediately. Image is downloaded asynchronously.

public static void downloadAndDisplayImage(Image image, ImageView imageView)
imageImage to be downloaded
imageViewView to show the downloaded image
Méthodes d’instance

Loads an ad.

This method always returns immediately. The ad is loaded asynchronously. The control's ad listener will be called when loading finishes or fails.

public void loadAd()