Lớp này không còn khả dụng trong phiên bản gần đây nhất của SDK.

Implements an subclass of Session that knows about test users for a particular application. This should never be used from a real application, but may be useful for writing unit tests, etc.

Facebook allows developers to create test accounts for testing their applications' Facebook integration (see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/test_users/). This class simplifies use of these accounts for writing unit tests. It is not designed for use in production application code.

The main use case for this class is using TestSession.createSessionWithPrivateUser(android.app.Activity, java.util.List) or TestSession.createSessionWithSharedUser(android.app.Activity, java.util.List) to create a session for a test user. Two modes are supported. In "shared" mode, an attempt is made to find an existing test user that has the required permissions. If no such user is available, a new one is created with the required permissions. In "private" mode, designed for scenarios which require a new user in a known clean state, a new test user will always be created, and it will be automatically deleted when the TestSession is closed. The session obeys the same lifecycle as a regular Session, meaning it must be opened after creation before it can be used to make calls to the Facebook API.

Prior to creating a TestSession, two static methods must be called to initialize the application ID and application Secret to be used for managing test users. These methods are TestSession.setTestApplicationId(String) and TestSession.setTestApplicationSecret(String).

Note that the shared test user functionality depends on a naming convention for the test users. It is important that any testing of functionality which will mutate the permissions for a test user NOT use a shared test user, or this scheme will break down. If a shared test user seems to be in an invalid state, it can be deleted manually via the Web interface at https://developers.facebook.com/apps/APP_ID/permissions?role=test+users.

Mở rộng:Session
Phương thức nhóm
createSessionWithPrivateUser(Activity, List)

Constructs a TestSession which creates a test user on open, and destroys the user on close; This method should not be used in application code -- but is useful for creating unit tests that use the Facebook SDK.

public static TestSession createSessionWithPrivateUser(Activity activity, List permissions)
Thông sốMô tả
activityThe Activity to use for opening the session
permissionsList of strings containing permissions to request; nil will result in a common set of permissions (email, publish_actions) being requested
A new TestSession that is in the CREATED state, ready to be opened
createSessionWithSharedUser(Activity, List)

Constructs a TestSession which uses a shared test user with the right permissions, creating one if necessary on open (but not deleting it on close, so it can be re-used in later tests).

This method should not be used in application code -- but is useful for creating unit tests that use the Facebook SDK.

public static TestSession createSessionWithSharedUser(Activity activity, List permissions)
Thông sốMô tả
activityThe Activity to use for opening the session
permissionsList of strings containing permissions to request; nil will result in a common set of permissions (email, publish_actions) being requested
A new TestSession that is in the CREATED state, ready to be opened
createSessionWithSharedUser(Activity, List, String)

Constructs a TestSession which uses a shared test user with the right permissions, creating one if necessary on open (but not deleting it on close, so it can be re-used in later tests).

This method should not be used in application code -- but is useful for creating unit tests that use the Facebook SDK.

public static TestSession createSessionWithSharedUser(Activity activity, List permissions, String sessionUniqueUserTag)
Thông sốMô tả
activityThe Activity to use for opening the session
permissionsList of strings containing permissions to request; nil will result in a common set of permissions (email, publish_actions) being requested
sessionUniqueUserTagA string which will be used to make this user unique among other users with the same permissions. Useful for tests which require two or more users to interact with each other, and which therefore must have sessions associated with different users.
A new TestSession that is in the CREATED state, ready to be opened

Gets the Facebook Application ID for the application under test.

public static synchronized String getTestApplicationId()
The application ID

Sets the Facebook Application ID for the application under test. This must be specified prior to creating a TestSession.

public static synchronized void setTestApplicationId(String applicationId)
Thông sốMô tả
applicationIdThe application ID

Gets the Facebook Application Secret for the application under test.

public static synchronized String getTestApplicationSecret()
The application secret

Sets the Facebook Application Secret for the application under test. This must be specified prior to creating a TestSession.

public static synchronized void setTestApplicationSecret(String applicationSecret)
Thông sốMô tả
applicationSecretThe application secret
Phương thức thực thể

Gets the ID of the test user that this TestSession is authenticated as.

public final String getTestUserId()
The Facebook user ID of the test user

Gets the name of the test user that this TestSession is authenticated as.

public final String getTestUserName()
The name of the test user