Lớp này không còn khả dụng trong phiên bản gần đây nhất của SDK.

Provides a Fragment that displays a list of a user's friends and allows one or more of the friends to be selected.

Mở rộng:PickerFragment
Xây dựng

Default constructor. Creates a Fragment with all default properties.

public FriendPickerFragment()


public FriendPickerFragment(Bundle args)
Thông sốMô tả
argsA Bundle that optionally contains one or more values containing additional configuration information for the Fragment.
Phương thức thực thể

Gets the ID of the user whose friends should be displayed. If null, the default is to show the currently authenticated user's friends.

public String getUserId()
The user ID, or null

Sets the ID of the user whose friends should be displayed. If null, the default is to show the currently authenticated user's friends.

public void setUserId(String userId)
Thông sốMô tả
userIdThe user ID, or null

Gets whether the user can select multiple friends, or only one friend.

public boolean getMultiSelect()
True if the user can select multiple friends, false if only one friend

Sets whether the user can select multiple friends, or only one friend.

public void setMultiSelect(boolean multiSelect)
Thông sốMô tả
multiSelectTrue if the user can select multiple friends, false if only one friend

Sets the friend picker type for this fragment.

public void setFriendPickerType(FriendPickerType type)
Thông sốMô tả
typeThe type of friend picker to use.

Sets the list of friends for pre selection. These friends will be selected by default.

public void setSelectionByIds(List userIds)
Thông sốMô tả
userIdsList of friends as ids

Sets the list of friends for pre selection. These friends will be selected by default.

public void setSelectionByIds(String userIds)
Thông sốMô tả
userIdsList of friends as ids

Sets the list of friends for pre selection. These friends will be selected by default.

public void setSelection(GraphUser graphUsers)
Thông sốMô tả
graphUsersList of friends as GraphUsers

Sets the list of friends for pre selection. These friends will be selected by default.

public void setSelection(List graphUsers)
Thông sốMô tả
graphUsersList of friends as GraphUsers

Gets the currently-selected list of users.

public List getSelection()
The currently-selected list of users
The key for a String parameter in the fragment's Intent bundle to indicate what user's friends should be shown. The default is to display the currently authenticated user's friends.
public static final String USER_ID_BUNDLE_KEY
The key for a boolean parameter in the fragment's Intent bundle to indicate whether the picker should allow more than one friend to be selected or not.
public static final String MULTI_SELECT_BUNDLE_KEY
The key for a String parameter in the fragment's Intent bundle to indicate the type of friend picker to use. This value is case sensitive, and must match the enum @{link FriendPickerType}
public static final String FRIEND_PICKER_TYPE_KEY