لم تعد هذه الفئة متوفر في أحدث إصدار من SDK.


All public members of this class are intentionally deprecated. New code should instead use Session to manage session state, Request to make API requests, and WebDialog to make dialog requests.

Adding @Deprecated to this class causes warnings in other deprecated classes that reference this one. That is the only reason this entire class is not deprecated.

أدوات الإنشاء

Constructor for Facebook object.

public Facebook(String appId)
appIdYour Facebook application ID. Found at www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php.
طرق الفئات

Get Attribution ID for app install conversion tracking.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Settings for more info.

public static String getAttributionId(ContentResolver contentResolver)
Attribution ID that will be used for conversion tracking. It will be null only if the user has not installed or logged in to the Facebook app.
طرق المثيلات
authorize(Activity, DialogListener)

Default authorize method. Grants only basic permissions.

See authorize() below for @params.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public void authorize(Activity activity, DialogListener listener)
authorize(Activity, String, DialogListener)

Authorize method that grants custom permissions.

See authorize() below for @params.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public void authorize(Activity activity, String permissions, DialogListener listener)
authorize(Activity, String, int, DialogListener)

Full authorize method.

Starts either an Activity or a dialog which prompts the user to log in to Facebook and grant the requested permissions to the given application.

This method will, when possible, use Facebook's single sign-on for Android to obtain an access token. This involves proxying a call through the Facebook for Android stand-alone application, which will handle the authentication flow, and return an OAuth access token for making API calls.

Because this process will not be available for all users, if single sign-on is not possible, this method will automatically fall back to the OAuth 2.0 User-Agent flow. In this flow, the user credentials are handled by Facebook in an embedded WebView, not by the client application. As such, the dialog makes a network request and renders HTML content rather than a native UI. The access token is retrieved from a redirect to a special URL that the WebView handles.

Note that User credentials could be handled natively using the OAuth 2.0 Username and Password Flow, but this is not supported by this SDK.

See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/ and http://wiki.oauth.net/OAuth-2 for more details.

Note that this method is asynchronous and the callback will be invoked in the original calling thread (not in a background thread).

Also note that requests may be made to the API without calling authorize first, in which case only public information is returned.

IMPORTANT: Note that single sign-on authentication will not function correctly if you do not include a call to the authorizeCallback() method in your onActivityResult() function! Please see below for more information. single sign-on may be disabled by passing FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH as the activityCode parameter in your call to authorize().

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public void authorize(Activity activity, String permissions, int activityCode, DialogListener listener)
activityThe Android activity in which we want to display the authorization dialog.
permissionsA list of permissions required for this application: e.g. "read_stream", "publish_stream", "offline_access", etc. see http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions This parameter should not be null -- if you do not require any permissions, then pass in an empty String array.
activityCodeSingle sign-on requires an activity result to be called back to the client application -- if you are waiting on other activities to return data, pass a custom activity code here to avoid collisions. If you would like to force the use of legacy dialog-based authorization, pass FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH for this parameter. Otherwise just omit this parameter and Facebook will use a suitable default. See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/ app/Activity.html for more information.
listenerCallback interface for notifying the calling application when the authentication dialog has completed, failed, or been canceled.
authorizeCallback(int, int, Intent)

IMPORTANT: If you are using the deprecated authorize() method, this method must be invoked at the top of the calling activity's onActivityResult() function or Facebook authentication will not function properly!

If your calling activity does not currently implement onActivityResult(), you must implement it and include a call to this method if you intend to use the authorize() method in this SDK.

For more information, see http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ Activity.html#onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public void authorizeCallback(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
extendAccessToken(Context, ServiceListener)

Refresh OAuth access token method. Binds to Facebook for Android stand-alone application application to refresh the access token. This method tries to connect to the Facebook App which will handle the authentication flow, and return a new OAuth access token. This method will automatically replace the old token with a new one. Note that this method is asynchronous and the callback will be invoked in the original calling thread (not in a background thread).

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public boolean extendAccessToken(Context context, ServiceListener serviceListener)
contextThe Android Context that will be used to bind to the Facebook RefreshToken Service
serviceListenerCallback interface for notifying the calling application when the refresh request has completed or failed (can be null). In case of a success a new token can be found inside the result Bundle under Facebook.ACCESS_TOKEN key.
True if the binding to the RefreshToken Service was created
extendAccessTokenIfNeeded(Context, ServiceListener)

Calls extendAccessToken if shouldExtendAccessToken returns true.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public boolean extendAccessTokenIfNeeded(Context context, ServiceListener serviceListener)
The same value as extendAccessToken if the the token requires refreshing, true otherwise

Check if the access token requires refreshing.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public boolean shouldExtendAccessToken()
True if the last time a new token was obtained was over 24 hours ago.

Invalidate the current user session by removing the access token in memory, clearing the browser cookie, and calling auth.expireSession through the API.

Note that this method blocks waiting for a network response, so do not call it in a UI thread.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public String logout(Context context)
contextThe Android context in which the logout should be called: it should be the same context in which the login occurred in order to clear any stored cookies
JSON string representation of the auth.expireSession response ("true" if successful)

Make a request to Facebook's old (pre-graph) API with the given parameters. One of the parameter keys must be "method" and its value should be a valid REST server API method.

See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/

Note that this method blocks waiting for a network response, so do not call it in a UI thread.

Example: Bundle parameters = new Bundle(); parameters.putString("method", "auth.expireSession"); String response = request(parameters);

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Request for more info.

public String request(Bundle parameters)
parametersKey-value pairs of parameters to the request. Refer to the documentation: one of the parameters must be "method".
JSON string representation of the response

Make a request to the Facebook Graph API without any parameters.

See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api

Note that this method blocks waiting for a network response, so do not call it in a UI thread.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Request for more info.

public String request(String graphPath)
graphPathPath to resource in the Facebook graph, e.g., to fetch data about the currently logged authenticated user, provide "me", which will fetch http://graph.facebook.com/me
JSON string representation of the response
request(String, Bundle)

Make a request to the Facebook Graph API with the given string parameters using an HTTP GET (default method).

See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api

Note that this method blocks waiting for a network response, so do not call it in a UI thread.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Request for more info.

public String request(String graphPath, Bundle parameters)
graphPathPath to resource in the Facebook graph, e.g., to fetch data about the currently logged authenticated user, provide "me", which will fetch http://graph.facebook.com/me
parametersKey-value string parameters, e.g. the path "search" with parameters "q" : "facebook" would produce a query for the following graph resource: https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=facebook
JSON string representation of the response
request(String, Bundle, String)

Synchronously make a request to the Facebook Graph API with the given HTTP method and string parameters. Note that binary data parameters (e.g. pictures) are not yet supported by this helper function.

See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api

Note that this method blocks waiting for a network response, so do not call it in a UI thread.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Request for more info.

public String request(String graphPath, Bundle params, String httpMethod)
graphPathPath to resource in the Facebook graph, e.g., to fetch data about the currently logged authenticated user, provide "me", which will fetch http://graph.facebook.com/me
paramsKey-value string parameters, e.g. the path "search" with parameters {"q" : "facebook"} would produce a query for the following graph resource: https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=facebook
httpMethodHttp verb, e.g. "GET", "POST", "DELETE"
JSON string representation of the response
dialog(Context, String, DialogListener)

Generate a UI dialog for the request action in the given Android context.

Note that this method is asynchronous and the callback will be invoked in the original calling thread (not in a background thread).

This method is deprecated. See WebDialog.

public void dialog(Context context, String action, DialogListener listener)
contextThe Android context in which we will generate this dialog.
actionString representation of the desired method: e.g. "login", "stream.publish", ...
listenerCallback interface to notify the application when the dialog has completed.
dialog(Context, String, Bundle, DialogListener)

Generate a UI dialog for the request action in the given Android context with the provided parameters.

Note that this method is asynchronous and the callback will be invoked in the original calling thread (not in a background thread).

This method is deprecated. See WebDialog.

public void dialog(Context context, String action, Bundle parameters, DialogListener listener)
contextThe Android context in which we will generate this dialog.
actionString representation of the desired method: e.g. "feed" ...
parametersString key-value pairs to be passed as URL parameters.
listenerCallback interface to notify the application when the dialog has completed.

Returns whether the current access token is valid

public boolean isSessionValid()
Boolean - whether this object has an non-expired session token

Allows the user to set a Session for the Facebook class to use. If a Session is set here, then one should not use the authorize, logout, or extendAccessToken methods which alter the Session object since that may result in undefined behavior. Using those methods after setting the session here will result in exceptions being thrown.

public void setSession(Session session)
sessionThe Session object to use, cannot be null

Get the underlying Session object to use with 3.0 api.

public final Session getSession()
Session - underlying session

Retrieve the OAuth 2.0 access token for API access: treat with care. Returns null if no session exists.

public String getAccessToken()
String - access token

Retrieve the current session's expiration time (in milliseconds since Unix epoch), or 0 if the session doesn't expire or doesn't exist.

public long getAccessExpires()
Long - session expiration time

Retrieve the last time the token was updated (in milliseconds since the Unix epoch), or 0 if the token has not been set.

public long getLastAccessUpdate()
Long - timestamp of the last token update.
setTokenFromCache(String, long, long)

Restore the token, expiration time, and last update time from cached values. These should be values obtained from getAccessToken(), getAccessExpires, and getLastAccessUpdate() respectively.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public void setTokenFromCache(String accessToken, long accessExpires, long lastAccessUpdate)
accessToken- access token
accessExpires- access token expiration time
lastAccessUpdate- timestamp of the last token update

Set the OAuth 2.0 access token for API access.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public void setAccessToken(String token)
token- access token

Set the current session's expiration time (in milliseconds since Unix epoch), or 0 if the session doesn't expire.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public void setAccessExpires(long timestampInMsec)
timestampInMsec- timestamp in milliseconds

Set the current session's duration (in seconds since Unix epoch), or "0" if session doesn't expire.

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public void setAccessExpiresIn(String expiresInSecsFromNow)
expiresInSecsFromNow- duration in seconds (or 0 if the session doesn't expire)

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public String getAppId()
The String representing application ID

This method is deprecated. See Facebook and Session for more info.

public void setAppId(String appId)
appIdThe String representing the application ID
القيم الثابتة
public static final String REDIRECT_URI
public static final String CANCEL_URI
public static final String TOKEN
public static final String EXPIRES
public static final String SINGLE_SIGN_ON_DISABLED
public static final Uri ATTRIBUTION_ID_CONTENT_URI
public static final String ATTRIBUTION_ID_COLUMN_NAME
public static final int FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH
public static final String FB_APP_SIGNATURE