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Encapsulates the valid values for the facebook:auxiliary_view_position attribute for a LikeView.

Prolonge :Enum
Package :widget
Méthodes Class
public static AuxiliaryViewPosition values()
public static AuxiliaryViewPosition valueOf(String name)
Setting the attribute to this value will put the social-sentence or box-count below the like button. If the facebook:style is set to BUTTON, then this has no effect. This is the default value
public static final AuxiliaryViewPosition BOTTOM
Setting the attribute to this value will put the social-sentence or box-count inline with the like button. The auxiliary view will be to the left of the button if the facebook:horizontal_alignment is set to RIGHT. In all other cases, it will be to the right of the button. If the facebook:style is set to BUTTON, then this has no effect.
public static final AuxiliaryViewPosition INLINE
Setting the attribute to this value will put the social-sentence or box-count above the like button. If the facebook:style is set to BUTTON, then this has no effect.
public static final AuxiliaryViewPosition TOP