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Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native Share dialog for sharing photos. This builder will throw an exception if the Facebook application is not installed, so it should only be used if FacebookDialog.canPresentShareDialog(android.content.Context, com.facebook.widget.FacebookDialog.ShareDialogFeature...) indicates the capability is available.

Mở rộng:Builder
Xây dựng


public FacebookDialog.PhotoDialogBuilderBase(Activity activity)
Thông sốMô tả
activityThe Activity which is presenting the native Share dialog; must not be null


public FacebookDialog.PhotoShareDialogBuilder(Activity activity)
Thông sốMô tả
activityThe Activity which is presenting the native Share dialog; must not be null
Phương thức thực thể

Sets the place for the item to be shared.

public PhotoDialogBuilderBase setPlace(String place)
Thông sốMô tả
placeThe Facebook ID of the place
This instance of the builder

Sets the tagged friends for the item to be shared.

public PhotoDialogBuilderBase setFriends(List friends)
Thông sốMô tả
friendsA list of Facebook IDs of the friends to be tagged in the shared item
This instance of the builder

Adds one or more photos to the list of photos to display in the native Share dialog, by providing an in-memory representation of the photos. The dialog's callback will be called once the user has shared the photos, but the photos themselves may be uploaded in the background by the Facebook app; apps wishing to be notified when the photo upload has succeeded or failed should extend the FacebookBroadcastReceiver class and register it in their AndroidManifest.xml. In order for the images to be provided to the Facebook application as part of the app call, the NativeAppCallContentProvider must be specified correctly in the application's AndroidManifest.xml. No more than six photos may be shared at a time.

public PhotoDialogBuilderBase addPhotos(Collection photos)
Thông sốMô tả
photosA collection of Files representing photos to be uploaded
This instance of the builder

Adds one or more photos to the list of photos to display in the native Share dialog, by specifying their location in the file system. The dialog's callback will be called once the user has shared the photos, but the photos themselves may be uploaded in the background by the Facebook app; apps wishing to be notified when the photo upload has succeeded or failed should extend the FacebookBroadcastReceiver class and register it in their AndroidManifest.xml. No more than six photos may be shared at a time.

public PhotoDialogBuilderBase addPhotoFiles(Collection photos)
Thông sốMô tả
photosA collection of Files representing photos to be uploaded
This instance of the builder