Provides a builder which can construct a FacebookDialog instance suitable for presenting the native Message dialog. This builder will throw an exception if the Facebook Messenger application is not installed, so it should only be used if FacebookDialog.canPresentMessageDialog(android.content.Context, com.facebook.widget.FacebookDialog.MessageDialogFeature...) indicates the capability is available. The "friends" and "place" properties will be ignored as the Facebook Messenger app does not support tagging.
Prolonge : | Builder |
Package : | widget |
public FacebookDialog.MessageDialogBuilder(Activity activity)
Paramètre | Description |
activity | The Activity which is presenting the native Message dialog; must not be null |
Sets the title of the item to be shared.
public ShareDialogBuilderBase setName(String name)
Paramètre | Description |
name | The title |
Sets the subtitle of the item to be shared.
public ShareDialogBuilderBase setCaption(String caption)
Paramètre | Description |
caption | The subtitle |
Sets the description of the item to be shared.
public ShareDialogBuilderBase setDescription(String description)
Paramètre | Description |
description | The description |
Sets the URL of the item to be shared.
public ShareDialogBuilderBase setLink(String link)
Paramètre | Description |
link | The URL |
Sets the URL of the image of the item to be shared.
public ShareDialogBuilderBase setPicture(String picture)
Paramètre | Description |
picture | The URL of the image |
Sets the place for the item to be shared.
public ShareDialogBuilderBase setPlace(String place)
Paramètre | Description |
place | The Facebook ID of the place |
Sets the tagged friends for the item to be shared.
public ShareDialogBuilderBase setFriends(List friends)
Paramètre | Description |
friends | A list of Facebook IDs of the friends to be tagged in the shared item |
Sets the 'ref' property of the item to be shared.
public ShareDialogBuilderBase setRef(String ref)
Paramètre | Description |
ref | The 'ref' property |
Sets whether errors encountered during previewing the shared item should be considered fatal and cause the dialog to return an error
public ShareDialogBuilderBase setDataErrorsFatal(boolean dataErrorsFatal)
Paramètre | Description |
dataErrorsFatal | True if data errors should be fatal; false if not |