An Instagram Professional account can be notified when a user mentions them in a story. When this happens, the IG Professional account will get a message in the inbox referencing the story that the user posted. Due to a story being ephemeral by nature (it will disappear after 24 hours or when deleted by the user), you must meet specific requirements and implementation guidelines to comply and respect user privacy for ephemeral content.
There are several options where you can choose to render the story content in the agent’s inbox:
{ "object": "instagram", "entry": [ { "id": "<IGID>", "time": 1569262486134, "messaging": [ { "sender": { "id": "<IGSID>" }, "recipient": { "id": "<IGID>" }, "timestamp": 1569262485349, "message": { "mid": "<MESSAGE_ID>", "attachments":[ { "type":"story_mention", "payload":{ "url":"<CDN_URL>" } } ] } } ] } ], }
GET <MESSAGE_ID>?fields=story { "story": { "mention": { "link": "<CDN_URL>", "id": "<STORY_ID>" } }, "id": "<MESSAGE_ID>" }