Product Extensions (Add Catalog Items) Features on Marketing API

Product extensions (the "Add catalog items" feature in Meta Ads Manager) is an Advantage+ creative optimization that showcases products from your catalog below your static single media when it's likely to improve performance. This document shows you how to use product extensions features for ads.

API Support for Product Extensions

Product extension creative creation is supported in all versions of the Marketing API, but beginning with v20.0, all ad creation requests that are eligible for product extensions must specify if the ad opts in to use it or not. The enroll_status field must be provided with either an OPT_IN or OPT_OUT value.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Campaign with SALES or TRAFFIC objective
  • Single image or video ad format
  • A catalog

Before You Begin

Follow the steps below to set up your ad campaigns.

  1. Create a campaign
  2. Create an ad set

Standalone Creative Creation


curl -X POST \
  -F 'name=Product Extension Creative' \
  -F 'object_story_spec={
      "link_data": {
         "link": "<URL>",
      "page_id": "<PAGE_ID>",
      "instagram_actor_id": "<INSTAGRAM_ACTOR_ID>",
  }' \
  -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adcreatives

After (new fields are highlighted in bold)

curl -X POST \
  -F 'name=Product Extension Creative' \
  -F 'object_story_spec={
      "link_data": {
         "link": "<URL>",
      "page_id": "<PAGE_ID>",
      "instagram_actor_id": "<INSTAGRAM_ACTOR_ID>",
  }' \
  -F 'creative_sourcing_spec={
    "associated_product_set_id": "<PRODUCT_SET_ID>",
  }' \
  -F 'degrees_of_freedom_spec={
    "creative_features_spec": {
      "product_extensions": {
        "enroll_status": "OPT_IN",
        "action_metadata": {
           "type": "MANUAL",
  }' \ 
  -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adcreatives

Ad Creation


curl -X POST \
  -F 'creative={
    "object_story_spec": {
      "page_id": "<PAGE_ID>",
      "link_data": {
        "link": "<WEBSITE_URL>",
  }' \
  -F "adset_id=<ADSET_ID>" \
  -F "name=New Ad" \
  -F "status=PAUSED" \
  -F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/ads

After (new fields are in bold)

curl -X POST \
  -F 'creative={
    "object_story_spec": {
      "page_id": "<PAGE_ID>",
      "link_data": {
        "link": "<WEBSITE_URL>",
    "creative_sourcing_spec": {
      "associated_product_set_id": "<PRODUCT_SET_ID>",
    "degrees_of_freedom_spec": {
      "creative_features_spec": {
        "product_extensions": {
          "enroll_status": "OPT_IN",
          "action_metadata": {
            "type": "MANUAL"
  }' \
  -F "adset_id=<ADSET_ID>" \
  -F "name=New Ad" \
  -F "status=PAUSED" \
  -F "access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>" \<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/ads



Product extensions is an Advantage+ creative optimization that showcases products from your catalog below your static single media when it's likely to improve performance. Please set the enroll_status field with OPT_IN to enable it.

It can be added in creative_features_spec. For more details, see the Ad Creative Features Details reference documentation.


Specifies the product set id for Product extensions in advantage plus creative optimization. This product set will be shown below your single media.

It can be added in the creative_sourcing_spec. See the Ad Creative Sourcing Spec reference documentation for more details.