Instagram Reminder Ads

This document shows you how to use the Marketing API to create Instagram reminder ads & ads with reminders.

Before You Start

Before you start, you need the following:


  • If a reminder ad’s ad set has an end date, it must be after the start date of the reminder ad's Instagram upcoming event.
  • A reminder ad will stop delivering once its event is in the past.
  • Not all ad campaign objectives or ad set optimization goals support reminders. For example supported ad campaign objectives and ad set optimization goals include:
    • objective: OUTCOME_ENGAGEMENT & optimization_goal=REMINDERS_SET
    • objective: OUTCOME_ENGAGEMENT & optimization_goal=THRUPLAY
    • objective: OUTCOME_AWARENESS & optimization_goal=THRUPLAY
    • objective: OUTCOME_AWARENESS & optimization_goal=REACH
    • objective: OUTCOME_SALES & optimization_goal=OFFSITE_CONVERSIONS
  • Ad creatives using the reminder functionality cannot always be associated across different ad campaign objectives. To remedy this, create separate creatives for different ad campaign objectives.

Step 1: Create an Ad Campaign

Start by creating your ad campaign. To do this, send a POST request to the /act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/campaigns endpoint where <AD_ACCOUNT_ID> is the ID for your Meta ad account. Your request must include:

  • name (Required)
  • objective (Required) — Note: Not all ad campaign objectives support reminder functionality
  • special_ad_categories (Required)
  • status (Optional)


Formatted for readability. Make sure to replace placeholders with your own values.

curl -X POST "<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/campaigns" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "name":"My First Reminder Ads Campaign",


On success, your app receives the following JSON response with the created ad campaign's ID:


  "id": "<AD_CAMPAIGN_ID>"

Step 2: Create an Ad Set

Next, create your ad set. To do this, send a POST request to the /act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adsets endpoint where <AD_ACCOUNT_ID> is the ID for your Meta ad account. Your request must include:

  • destination_type (Required)
  • optimization_goal (Required) — Note: Not all Ad Set optimization goals support reminder functionality
  • instagram_positions (Optional) — Supported placements for reminder ads include stream, story, and reels. For further information on specifying placement refer to Placement Targeting and Get Started: Placement for Instagram ads.


Formatted for readability. Make sure to replace placeholders with your own values.

curl -X POST "<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adsets" \
  -F 'billing_event=IMPRESSIONS' \
  -F 'campaign_id=<AD_CAMPAIGN_ID>' \
  -F 'daily_budget=1000' \
  -F 'destination_type=ON_REMINDER' \
  -F 'name=Reminder Ads Ad Set' \
  -F 'optimization_goal=REMINDERS_SET' \
  -F 'targeting={
    "geo_locations": { "countries":["US"] },
    "device_platforms": ["mobile"]


On success, your app receives the following JSON response with the created ad set's ID:


  "id": "<AD_SET_ID>"

Step 3: Create an Ad Creative with an Upcoming Event

The ad creative allows you to add assets to your ads. To create an ad creative, make a POST request to the /act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adcreatives endpoint where <AD_ACCOUNT_ID> is the ID for your Meta ad account. Your request must include:

  • asset_feed_spec: This will contain the ID of the upcoming event you wish to associate with the ad.
  • object_story_spec: For reminder ads, the value of link must be specified. If you do not want to a link to appear on your ad, use the dummy URL The dummy link will not appear on your ad.


Formatted for readability. Make sure to replace placeholders with your own values.

curl -X POST "<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adcreatives" \
    -F 'name=Sample ad creative' \
    -F 'object_story_spec={
        "page_id": "<PAGE_ID>",
        "instagram_actor_id": "<INSTAGRAM_ACCOUNT_ID>",
        "link_data": {
            "call_to_action": {
                "type": "LEARN_MORE"
            "image_hash": "<IMAGE_HASH>",
            "link": ""
    }' \
    -F 'asset_feed_spec={
        "upcoming_events": [
                "event_id": <EVENT_ID>
                "event_title": "Season Premiere",
                "start_time": "2024-05-11T16:00:00+0000",
    }' \
    -F 'degrees_of_freedom_spec={
        "creative_features_spec": {
            "standard_enhancements": {
                "action_metadata": {
                    "type": "DEFAULT"
                "enroll_status": "OPT_OUT"
        "degrees_of_freedom_type": "USER_ENROLLED_AUTOFLOW"
    }' \
    -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>'


On success, your app receives the following JSON response with the created ad creative's ID:

  "id": "<AD_CREATIVE_ID>"

Step 4: Create an Ad

Ads allow you to associate ad creative information with your ad sets. To create an ad, make a POST request to the /act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/ads endpoint where <AD_ACCOUNT_ID> is the ID for your Meta ad account. Your request must include:

  • name: (Required)
  • adset_id: The ID of the ad set created earlier (Required)
  • creative: A JSON object with the ID of the creative created earlier (Required)
  • status: PAUSED so you can review your ad before it starts running (Optional)


Formatted for readability. Make sure to replace placeholders with your own values.

curl -X POST "<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/ads" \
  -F 'name=Reminder Ad' \
  -F 'adset_id=<AD_SET_ID> \
  -F 'creative={
    "creative_id": "<AD_CREATIVE_ID>"
  }' \
  -F 'status=PAUSED \
  -F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>'


On success, your app receives the following JSON response with the created ad's ID:

  "id": "<AD_ID>"