An individual post in a profile's feed. The profile could be a user, page, app, or group.
A Facebook Feed story
Name | Description |
Page Public Content Access | This feature permission may be required. |
permission and Page Public Content Access Feature are required to read publicly shared Page posts. The person requesting the access token must be an admin of the Page.user_posts
permission. However, in some cases the post's owner's privacy settings may not allow your application to access it.The following fields for /page/feed
, /page/posts
, /pageposts
, and /page/published_posts
were deprecated in v3.3:
GET /v22.0/{post-id} HTTP/1.1
/* PHP SDK v5.0.0 */
/* make the API call */
try {
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response = $fb->get(
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
new GraphRequest(
new GraphRequest.Callback() {
public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
FBSDKGraphRequest *request = [[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc]
[request startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection,
id result,
NSError *error) {
// Handle the result
Field | Description |
id token with structure: Post ID | The post ID. |
actions list | Action links |
admin_creator BusinessUser|User|Application | The admin creator of a Page Post. Only available if there exists more than one admin for the page. |
allowed_advertising_objectives list<string> | The only objectives under which this post can be advertised |
application | Information about the app this post was published by. |
backdated_time datetime | The backdated time for backdate post. For regular post, this field will be set to null. |
call_to_action struct with keys: type, value | The call to action type used in any Page posts for mobile app engagement ads. |
can_reply_privately bool | Whether the page viewer can send a private reply to this post |
caption string | The caption of a link in the post (appears beneath the name). |
child_attachments list | Sub-shares of a multi-link share post |
comments_mirroring_domain string | If comments are being mirrored to an external site, this function returns the domain of that external site. |
coordinates struct with keys: checkin_id, author_uid, page_id, target_id, target_href, coords, tagged_uids, timestamp, message, target_type | An array of information about the attachment to the post |
created_time datetime | The time the post was published, expressed as UNIX timestamp |
description string | A description of a link in the post (appears beneath the caption). |
If this Post has a place, the event associated with the place | |
expanded_height unsigned int32 | An array of information about the attachment to the post |
expanded_width unsigned int32 | An array of information about the attachment to the post |
feed_targeting struct with keys: country, cities, regions, genders, age_min, age_max, education_statuses, college_years, relationship_statuses, interests, interested_in, user_adclusters, locales, countries, geo_locations, work_positions, work_employers, education_majors, education_schools, family_statuses, life_events, industries, politics, ethnic_affinity, generation, fan_of, relevant_until_ts | Object that controls news feed targeting for this post. Anyone in these groups will be more likely to see this post, others will be less likely, but may still see it anyway. Any of the targeting fields shown here can be used, none are required (applies to Pages only). |
from User|Page | The ID of the user, page, group, or event that published the post |
full_picture string | If the photo's largest dimension exceeds 720 pixels, it is resized, with the largest dimension set to 720. |
height unsigned int32 | An array of information about the attachment to the post |
icon string | A link to an icon representing the type of this post. |
is_app_share bool | Whether or not the post references an app |
is_eligible_for_promotion bool | Whether the post is eligible for promotion. |
is_expired bool | Whether the post has expiration time that has passed |
is_hidden bool | Whether a post has been set to hidden |
is_inline_created bool | Returns True if the post was created inline when creating ads. |
is_popular bool | Whether the post is currently popular. Based on whether the total actions as a percentage of reach exceeds a certain threshold |
is_published bool | Indicates whether a scheduled post was published (applies to scheduled Page Post only, for users post and instanlty published posts this value is always true) |
is_spherical bool | Whether the post is a spherical video post |
link uri | A description of a link in the post (appears beneath the caption). |
message string | The message written in the post |
message_tags list | Profiles mentioned or tagged in a message. This is an object with a unique key for each mention or tag in the message. |
multi_share_end_card bool | Whether display the end card for a multi-link share post |
multi_share_optimized bool | Whether automatically select the order of the links in multi-link share post when used in an ad |
name string | The name of the link. |
object_id string | The ID of any uploaded photo or video attached to the post. |
parent_id token with structure: Post ID | The ID of a parent post for this post, if it exists. For example, if this story is a 'Your Page was mentioned in a post' story, the parent_id will be the original post where the mention happened |
permalink_url uri | The permanent static URL to the post on Example: |
place | ID of the place associated with the post |
privacy | The privacy settings for a post |
token with structure: Post ID | ID of post to use for promotion for stories that cannot be promoted directly |
properties list | A list of properties for any attached video, for example, the length of the video. |
scheduled_publish_time float | UNIX timestamp of the scheduled publish time for the post |
shares struct with keys: count | Number of times the post has been shared |
source string | A URL to any Flash movie or video file attached to the post. |
status_type string | Description of the type of a status update. |
story string | Text of stories not intentionally generated by users, such as those generated when two users become friends. You must have the "Include recent activity stories" migration enabled in your app to retrieve this field |
story_tags list | The list of tags in the post description |
subscribed bool | Whether user is subscribed to the post |
The profile this was posted on if different from the author | |
targeting struct with keys: country, cities, regions, zips, genders, college_networks, work_networks, age_min, age_max, education_statuses, college_years, college_majors, political_views, relationship_statuses, interests, keywords, interested_in, user_clusters, user_clusters2, user_clusters3, user_adclusters, excluded_user_adclusters, custom_audiences, excluded_custom_audiences, locales, radius, connections, excluded_connections, friends_of_connections, countries, excluded_user_clusters, adgroup_id, user_event, qrt_versions, page_types, user_os, user_device, action_spec, action_spec_friend, action_spec_excluded, geo_locations, excluded_geo_locations, targeted_entities, conjunctive_user_adclusters, wireless_carrier, site_category, work_positions, work_employers, education_majors, education_schools, family_statuses, life_events, behaviors, travel_status, industries, politics, markets, income, net_worth, home_type, home_ownership, home_value, ethnic_affinity, generation, household_composition, moms, office_type, interest_clusters_expansion, dynamic_audience_ids, product_audience_specs, excluded_product_audience_specs, exclusions, flexible_spec, engagement_specs, excluded_engagement_specs | Object that limited the audience for this content. Anyone not in these demographics will not be able to view this content. This will not override any Page-level demographic restrictions that may be in place. |
timeline_visibility string | Timeline visibility information of the post |
type string | A string indicating the object type of this post. |
updated_time datetime | The time the post was last updated, which occurs when a user comments on the post. |
via User|Page | ID of the user or Page the post was shared from |
width unsigned int32 | An array of information about the attachment to the post |
Edge | Description |
Edge<StoryAttachment> | Any attachments that are associated with the story |
Edge<Comment> | Comments made on this |
Edge<RTBDynamicPost> | All dynamic ad creatives |
Edge<InsightsResult> | Insights for this post (only for Pages). |
Edge<Profile> | People who reacted on this |
Edge<Post> | Shared posts |
Edge<Page> | An array sponsor pages tagged in the post |
Edge<Profile> | Profiles mentioned or targeted in this post. |
Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
104 | Incorrect signature |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
459 | The session is invalid because the user has been checkpointed |
80001 | There have been too many calls to this Page account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to |
2500 | Error parsing graph query |
3001 | Invalid query |
210 | User not visible |
You can publish posts by using the /{user-id}/feed
, /{page-id}/feed
, /{event-id}/feed
, or /{group-id}/feed
When creating a Post for a Page if you use a user access token the post will be in the voice of the user that posted it. If you use a page access token, the post will be in the voice of the page.