Facebook App
A Facebook app.
GET /v22.0/{application-id} HTTP/1.1
Host: graph.facebook.com
/* PHP SDK v5.0.0 */
/* make the API call */
try {
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response = $fb->get(
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$graphNode = $response->getGraphNode();
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
new GraphRequest(
new GraphRequest.Callback() {
public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
/* handle the result */
/* make the API call */
FBSDKGraphRequest *request = [[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc]
[request startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection,
id result,
NSError *error) {
// Handle the result
Field | Description |
id numeric string | The app ID |
aam_rules string | Rules of Auto Advanced Matching in FB SDKs |
an_ad_space_limit unsigned int32 | The maximum number of Ad Spaces allowed for each Audience Network supported platform |
an_platforms list<enum> | The platforms associated with the app in the Audience Network product. Not enforced, but when present, it can be used to provide the user with platform specific information for the app and its placements |
app_domains list<string> | Domains and subdomains this app can use |
app_events_config ApplicationAppEventsConfig | Configuration for app events |
app_install_tracked bool | Whether the app install is trackable or not |
app_name string | App name |
app_signals_binding_ios list<Binding> | List of app event bindings for iOS app |
app_type unsigned int32 | App type |
auth_dialog_data_help_url string | The URL of a special landing page that helps people who are using an app begin publishing Open Graph activity |
auth_dialog_headline string | One line description of an app that appears in the Login Dialog |
auth_dialog_perms_explanation string | The text to explain why an app needs additional permissions. This appears in the Login Dialog |
auth_referral_default_activity_privacy string | The default privacy setting selected for Open Graph activities in the Auth Dialog |
auth_referral_enabled unsigned int32 | Indicates whether Authenticated Referrals are enabled |
auth_referral_extended_perms list<string> | Extended permissions that a person can choose to grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled |
auth_referral_friend_perms list<string> | Basic friends permissions that a user must grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled |
auth_referral_response_type string | The format that an app receives for the authentication token from the Login Dialog |
auth_referral_user_perms list<string> | Basic user permissions that a user must grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled |
canvas_fluid_height bool | Indicates whether the app uses fluid or settable height values for Canvas |
canvas_fluid_width unsigned int32 | Indicates whether the app uses fluid or fixed width values for Canvas |
canvas_url string | The non-secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded |
category string | The category of the app |
client_config map | Config data for the client |
company string | The company the app belongs to |
configured_ios_sso bool | True if the app has configured Single Sign On on iOS |
contact_email string | Email address listed for people using the app to contact developers |
created_time datetime | Timestamp that indicates when the app was created |
creator_uid id | User ID of the creator of this app |
daily_active_users numeric string | The number of daily active users the app has |
daily_active_users_rank unsigned int32 | Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing daily active users |
deauth_callback_url string | URL that is pinged whenever a person removes the app |
default_share_mode string | The platform that should be used to share content |
description string | The description of the app, as provided by the developer |
financial_id string | The ID for the corresponding audience network financial entity. |
hosting_url string | Webspace created with one of our hosting partners for this app |
icon_url string | The URL of this app's icon |
ios_bundle_id list<string> | Bundle ID of the associated iOS app |
ios_supports_native_proxy_auth_flow bool | Whether to support the native proxy login flow |
ios_supports_system_auth bool | Whether to support the iOS integrated Login Dialog |
ipad_app_store_id string | ID of the app in the iPad App Store |
iphone_app_store_id string | ID of the app in the iPhone App Store |
latest_sdk_version ApplicationSDKInfo | App latest sdk version |
link string | A link to the app on Facebook |
logging_token string | To use for logging purposes |
logo_url string | The URL of the app's logo |
migrations map<string, bool> | Status of migrations for this app |
mobile_profile_section_url string | Mobile URL of the app section on a person's profile |
mobile_web_url string | URL to which Mobile users will be directed when using the app |
monthly_active_users numeric string | The number of monthly active users the app has |
monthly_active_users_rank unsigned int32 | Ranking of this app vs other apps comparing monthly active users |
name string | The name of the app |
namespace string | The string appended to |
object_store_urls | Mobile store URLs for the app |
page_tab_default_name string | The title of the app when used in a Page Tab |
page_tab_url string | The non-secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded |
photo_url string | The URL of the app photo |
privacy_policy_url string | The URL that links to a Privacy Policy for the app |
profile_section_url string | URL of the app section on a user's profile for the desktop site |
property_id string | The monetization property which owns this app |
protected_mode_rules ApplicationProtectedModeRules | protected_mode_rules |
real_time_mode_devices list<string> | List of real time hashed device |
restrictions | Demographic restrictions for the app |
restrictive_data_filter_params string | Params used to filter out restrictive data |
secure_canvas_url string | The secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded |
secure_page_tab_url string | The secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded |
server_ip_whitelist string | App requests must originate from this comma-separated list of IP addresses |
social_discovery unsigned int32 | Indicates whether app usage stories show up in the Ticker or Feed |
subcategory string | The subcategory the app can be found under |
suggested_events_setting string | Settings for suggested events |
terms_of_service_url string | URL to Terms of Service that appears in the Login Dialog |
url_scheme_suffix string | URL scheme suffix |
user_support_email string | Main contact email for this app where people can receive support |
user_support_url string | URL shown in the Canvas footer that people can visit to get support for the app |
website_url string | URL of a website that integrates with this app |
weekly_active_users numeric string | The number of weekly active users the app has |
Edge | Description |
Edge<TestAccount> | Test User accounts associated with the app |
Edge<AdPlacementGroup> | Ad placement groups for publishing ads on this app |
Edge<AdNetworkAnalyticsAsyncQueryResult> | Obtain the results of an async Audience Network query for this publisher entity |
Edge<AEMAttribution> | aem_attribution |
Edge<AEMConversionConfig> | The aggregated event measurement conversion value configs for this app |
Edge<AEMConversionFilter> | Boolean for if product_set_id [fb_content_id] belongs to a certain catalog [catalog_id] |
Edge<Business> | The businesses which are not owner but can advertise for this app |
Edge<ApplicationAppEventTypes> | Info about App Events logged for the app |
Edge<Group> | List of facebook groups the app is installed in |
Edge<CanvasAppAsset> | appassets |
Edge<ButtonAutoDetectionDeviceSelection> | Whether to turn on auto device sampling. |
Edge<CloudbridgeSetting> | cloudbridge_settings |
Edge<DACheck> | A list of results after running Dynamic Ads checks on this app. |
Edge<ConversionConfig> | ios_skadnetwork_conversion_config |
Edge<MobileSdkGk> | Gatekeeper for Mobile SDK |
Edge<SDKMLModel> | model_asset |
Edge<MonetizedDigitalStoreObject> | List of digital store objects for this app monetized via Audience Network |
Edge<Null> | Open Graph Object types associated with this app |
Edge<Null> | Open Graph objects |
Edge<ApplicationPermission> | The status of permissions that are have been submitted for Login Review |
Edge<GamesIAPProduct> | In-app-purchaseable products associated with this app |
Edge<GamesIAPOrder> | In-app-purchaseable products of this app owned by the user |
Edge<ApplicationRoles> | The developer roles defined for this app |
Edge<CTCertDomain> | subscribed_domains |
Edge<CTCertDomain> | subscribed_domains_phishing |
Edge<WhatsAppBusinessSolution> | Lists the WhatsApp Business Partner Solution objects that the application participate in. |
Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
459 | The session is invalid because the user has been checkpointed |
200 | Permissions error |
368 | The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed |
3000 | Reading insights of a Page, business, app, domain or event source group not owned by the querying user or application |
2500 | Error parsing graph query |
483 | The session is invalid because the user is in consent app blocking |
edge from the following paths: access_status
: string, Error | Description |
200 | Permissions error |
100 | Invalid parameter |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Description |
app_version string | The version of the app being indexed Required |
device_session_id string | Device session id of the uploading device |
extra_info string | Extra information about the app index |
platform enum {ANDROID, IOS} | The platform of the app being indexed Required |
request_type enum {APP_INDEXING, PLUGIN, BUTTON_SAMPLING} | Default value: "APP_INDEXING" Type of the app indexing request |
tree JSON object | The UI component tree of the app Required |
: bool, is_app_indexing_enabled
: bool, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Description |
mappings array<JSON object> | The event to UI component mappings of the app Required |
mutation_method enum {REPLACE, ADD, DELETE} | Detailed mutation type like replace, add Required |
platform enum {ANDROID, IOS} | The platform of the app being indexed Required |
post_method enum {EYMT, CODELESS} | Default value: "CODELESS" Whether the api is called by codeless or EYMT |
: int32, num_invalid
: int32, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
edge from the following paths: Parameter | Description |
app_id | App ID. Required |
: enum, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
Update application information such as demographic restrictions.
To update an app restrictions, such as age
, send a POST
request to /{app-id}
curl -i -X POST "https://graph.facebook.com/{app-id}?restrictions={'age':'21+'}&access_token={app-access-token}"
On success your app receives this response:
"success": true
.Parameter | Description |
allow_cycle_app_secret boolean | Default value: false Allows for the application to cycle the secret |
an_platforms list<enum {ANDROID, DESKTOP, GALAXY, INSTANT_ARTICLES, IOS, MOBILE_WEB, OCULUS, UNKNOWN, XIAOMI}> | The platforms associated with the app in the AudienceNetwork product |
app_domains list<string> | Specifies a list of domains that correspond to this app. Subdomains of domains in this array are also considered to belong to this app |
app_name string | App name |
app_type boolean | App type |
auth_dialog_headline string | One line description of this app that appears in the Login Dialog |
auth_dialog_perms_explanation string | The text to explain why an app needs additional permissions. This appears in the Login Dialog |
auth_referral_enabled boolean | Enables or disables Authenticated Referrals |
auth_referral_extended_perms list<string> | Extended permissions that a person can choose to grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled |
auth_referral_friend_perms list<string> | Basic friends permissions that a person must grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled |
auth_referral_response_type string | The format of the authentication token this app receives from the Login Dialog |
auth_referral_user_perms list<string> | Basic permissions that a person must grant when Authenticated Referrals are enabled |
canvas_fluid_height boolean | Indicates whether this app uses fluid or settable height values for Canvas |
canvas_fluid_width boolean | Indicates whether this app uses fluid or fixed width values for Canvas |
canvas_url URL | The non-secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded |
contact_email string | Email address users can use to contact developers |
deauth_callback_url URL | URL that is pinged whenever a person removes this app |
mobile_web_url URL | URL that mobile users will be directed to when using this app |
namespace string | The string appended to |
page_tab_default_name string | The title of this app as it appears in a Page Tab |
privacy_policy_url URL | The URL that links to a privacy policy for this app |
restrictions JSON-encoded string | Update demographic restrictions for this app. Can be one or more of the following parameters: |
secure_canvas_url URL | The secure URL from which Canvas app content is loaded |
secure_page_tab_url URL | The secure URL from which Page Tab app content is loaded |
server_ip_whitelist list<string> | App requests must originate from this comma-separated list of IP addresses |
terms_of_service_url URL | URL to Terms of Service that appears in the Login Dialog |
url_scheme_suffix string | URL scheme suffix |
user_support_email string | Main contact email for this app where people can receive support |
user_support_url URL | URL shown in the Canvas footer that people can visit to get support for this app |
website_url URL | URL of a website that integrates with this app |
: bool, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
104 | Incorrect signature |
.Parameter | Description |
app_id string | Default value:
the id of app to be subscribed from ad account |
in the return type.success
: bool, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
.Parameter | Description |
advertiser_id string | |
attribution string | mobile_cookie from the person's device. Use this only on Android or iOS devices before iOS 6. The format for this should look something like |
attribution_method string | The attribution method used. The options are: {ARD, DEEPLINK, GPIR, MIR, SRN} |
attribution_model string | attribution model that clients selected to be respected by MMP |
attribution_referrer string | The campaign_ids param passed in the original url of the ad click |
auditing_token string | Token provided in claim response sent to MMP |
click_attr_window int64 | Time window of click attribution |
custom_events list<CustomEvent> | Custom app events that MMP are sending auditing events for |
decline_reason string | Reason that MMP rejected Facebook ads claim |
device_os string | The OS of the device the event was on |
engagement_type string | Engagement type that MMP explicitly reports |
event string | Event type that Facebook claimed for Required |
event_id string | An MMP-defined event ID, unique for each event |
event_reported_time int64 | Time that event reported to MMP |
fb_ad_id int64 | FBID of the ads in Facebook claim Required |
fb_click_time int64 | Ad click time in Facebook claim |
fb_view_time int64 | Ad view time in Facebook claim |
google_install_referrer string | The raw GPIR referrer string |
inactivity_window_hours int64 | Inactivity window in hours |
install_id string | The MMP-defined event ID of the install event that preceded this event |
is_fb boolean | Result that whether MMP attribute the event to Facebook ads Required |
meta_install_referrer string | The raw MIR referrer string |
used_install_referrer boolean | Identifies whether MMP used the install referrer |
view_attr_window int64 | Time window of view attribution |
: bool, success
: bool, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
: bool, messaging_success
: bool, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |
200 | Permissions error |
190 | Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token |
210 | User not visible |
104 | Incorrect signature |
.Parameter | Description |
app_id string | Default value:
the id of app to be unsubscribed from ad account |
: bool, Error | Description |
100 | Invalid parameter |