March 26, 2018

Facebook Login

The user_friends permission is now a reviewable permission and must go through the Login Review process.

Event Ads, Link Ads not Associated with Valid Page

We recently announced an initiative to make the Facebook Advertising platform more transparent to Facebook users. Read more about this in the Facebook press release

To support this initiative, we are deprecating deprecating Event Ads and Link Ads that are not connected to a valid page from Marketing API.

This breaking change impacts all supported API versions, including the upcoming Marketing API version v2.11, and v2.10 and v2.9 which are available but will be deprecated. This breaking change will take effect the second week of November 2017.

You will no longer be able to create or edit Event Ads and Link Ads that are not connected to a valid page. Requests will do so return the error: ErrorCode::ADPRO2__AD_MUST_HAVE_PAGE (1885833)

The following ad options used together will fail:

  • Event Ads
  • Objective: EVENT_RESPONSES
  • Creative fields: body, object_id
  • Link Ads
  • Objective: LINK_CLICKS
  • Creative fields: title, body, object_url containing image_file or image_hash

You can still create Event Ads and Link Ads if you provide a valid actor_id in the ad creative's object_story_id or object_story_spec fields

These options used together are valid:

  • Event Ads
  • Objective: EVENT_RESPONSES
  • Creative fields: object_story_id or object_story_spec
  • Link Ads
  • Objective: LINK_CLICKS
  • Creative fields: object_story_id or object_story_spec

The nodes, edges and requests impacted are:

Any pre-existing Event or Link Ads continue to run but you cannnot modify these ad's creatives or create new ads with the invalid options once the change goes in effect.