January 8, 2014

Broad age targeting deprecation

To simplify things, we are deprecating the broad age targeting as part of targeting specs. You will continue to create ads using age_min and age_max. See Targeting Specs.

Relative oCPM deprecation

We are deprecating relative oCPM bid type (bid_type=RELATIVE_OCPM) and instead will use absolute oCPM.

Note: PMD interfaces could still present the oCPM bid type as relative values, but the API calls should be all in absolute value.

For example, a relative bid of 40% clicks, 30% conversions and 30% impressions should be translated to $4, $3, $3 for clicks, conversions, and impressions in the API call (PMDs should test different absolute bid values to understand performance). Please refer to the documentation here.

Feature phone targeting

We are deprecating site_category as part of mobile targeting options, since this is now supported by device targeting type (the new option is user_device=feature_phone). Please refer to the documentation here.

Sponsored Results, Online offers and Question Poll Ads

Since we have removed these ad types, we will be returning errors in the API when attempting to create a sponsored result, online offer or a question poll ad. Please refer to the documentation here.

New image format and text size for app install ads on mobile

App install ads on mobile will have image size of 1200x627 and body text of 90 characters.

The old image size 600x360 and body text format of 130 characters will be deprecated.