Facebook Gaming Services SDK

Lorsque vous intégrez Facebook Login, Facebook Sharing ou Facebook Gaming, certains évènements d’application sont automatiquement consignés et collectés pour le Gestionnaire d’évènements, à moins que vous ne désactiviez la consignation automatique des évènements d’application. Nous recommandons à tous les développeurs et toutes les développeuses qui utilisent Facebook Login, Facebook Sharing ou Facebook Gaming, de bien comprendre comment marche cette fonctionnalité. Pour en savoir plus sur les informations collectées et sur la façon de désactiver la consignation automatique des évènements d’application, consultez la page Consignation automatique des évènements d’application.

Gaming Services is available as a new component in the official Facebook SDK for Android, iOS, Unity3D and JavaScript. Using Facebook official SDKs is the recommended approach and makes it easy to access services enabled by Facebook Login for Gaming including the Player Finder and Sharing for Gaming experiences.

Mimimum Supported Version by Platform

  • Android: v6.4
  • iOS: v6.4
  • Unity3D: v7.19.2 (requires Unity3D 5.4 or above)

If using or upgrading the Facebook SDK is not possible, you can use Graph API methods to build a manual flow for Player Finder and Sharing for Gaming in your application.

NEW: Limited Login

Limited Login offers a login path that implements steps designed to prevent the fact that a person used Facebook to log in to your app from being used to target advertising or measure advertising effectiveness.

How it Works

Limited Login returns an AuthenticationToken that wraps an OpenID Connect token. The ID token cannot be used to request additional data using the Graph API, such as friends, photos, or pages. Doing so requires the use of classic Facebook Login.

A successful login populates a global AuthenticationToken instance. You can provide a nonce for the login attempt that will be reflected in the return token. In addition, Limited Login populates a shared profile instance that contains the basic information including ID, name, profile picture, and email (if granted by the user).

See Also