Facebook Games can use Messenger as a channel for their Game Updates. This is an optional but highly recommended channel, and it gives your game a powerful channel for re-engagement. Here's how to create and set up your Game Updates via Messenger:
To create a Game Update via Messenger, you'll first need to create a Facebook page. In order for the page to work correctly with your Instant Game it needs meet some specific criteria:
To create a page with these criteria, visit your App Dashboard and follow these steps:
Note: If your Instant Game is not correctly associated with a page as explained above, your Game Updates will not be able to receive messaging_game_plays
After creating your page, you'll need to make sure to respond to its messaging webhooks. Webhooks are HTTP calls that we send to your backend when a messaging event is sent to your page. Your server's logic will then decide how to properly respond to each event, if a response is appropriate. To associate your server's endpoints with your page events, follow the instructions on the Messenger Platform Quickstart Tutorial to enable the Game Updates for your page. The table below contains information about the webhooks and permissions you will need to make your Game Updates work with Instant Games:
Section | Values |
Page events |
Permissions |
Game Updates via Messenger are only permitted to use standard messaging but not pages_messaging_subscriptions
. Note: do not use the GAME_EVENT
message tag when sending Game Updates via Messenger as it is no longer supported.
If your Game Update via Messenger has other functionality that requires subscription messaging or customer matching you should create a separate app and apply for Messenger platform permissions again.
webhooksOnce your Game Update via Messenger is correctly configured, your server application will start receiving messaging_game_plays
webhooks every time a player closes the Instant Game. Below is an example of a server application detecting and responding to one of these webhooks.
if (event.game_play) { var senderId = event.sender.id; // Messenger sender id var playerId = event.game_play.player_id; // Instant Games player id var contextId = event.game_play.context_id; var payload = event.game_play.payload; var playerWon = payload['playerWon']; if (playerWon) { sendMessage( senderId, contextId, 'Congratulations on your victory!', 'Play Again' ); } else { sendMessage( senderId, contextId, 'Better luck next time!', 'Rematch!' ); } }
You can refer to the Messenger Platform documentation for more information on this webhook: Game Play Webhook Documentation.
Below is an example of how to use the Graph API to send a game_play button to your players.
curl "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages?access_token=<PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN>" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "messaging_type": "UPDATE", "recipient": { "id": "<RECIPIENT_ID>" }, "message": { "attachment": { "type": "template", "payload": { "template_type": "generic", "elements": [ { "title": "It has been a while since your last game. Time to get back", "buttons": [ { "type": "game_play", "title": "Play Tic-Tac-Toe.", "payload": "{}", "game_metadata": { "context_id": "<CONTEXT_ID>" } } ] } ] } } } }'
You can refer to the Messenger Platform documentation for more information on this button: Game Play Button Documentation.
Before it is launched to production, your Game Update should go through the Messenger Platform submission process. Make sure to have a look at our Game Update via Messenger Guidelines before submitting it for review, and review the developer policies to ensure your usage remains compliant.
To confirm the time window and number of Game Updates that can be sent to a user, you can use the game_bots_quota
GET graph.facebook.com/me?fields=game_bots_quota.recipient_id(<PSID>)&access_token=<page_access_token>
"game_bots_quota": {
"count": {a number indicating the remaining number of Game Updates that can be sent to a given user},
"time_window": {a number indicating the remaining time that your game can send Game Updates to a given user},
{count: 0, time_window: 0}
;Please refer to the documents below for more information on how to build and optimize your Game Updates via Messenger.
Now that you know how to build an Instant Game with an associated Game Update via Messenger, it's time to test it, and prepare for launching: Testing, publishing and sharing your Instant Game