FAQ for Games on Facebook

The Web Games on Facebook and Facebook Gameroom platforms are no longer available for new submissions. This documentation is intended solely for developers with existing games. To learn more, read our blog post.

Hi , welcome to Facebook Games Support!

Welcome to our Help page. The Facebook Games team are here to help. Here you will find popular developer topics associated with the Facebook Games Platform. If you have an issue/question with your Facebook Web game and/or Gameroom app, there is a very strong chance context and guidance on this issue is available here.

Most Popular FAQs

General App Support

Common issues you may have experienced with your app, including access and transfers.


Help publishing and managing your Gameroom app.

Payments and Compliance

Find answers about your payouts, our payments terms and how to get in touch with payment support.


How to request promotion for Canvas and Gameroom apps.

General App Support

If your business has lost access to an app, please fill out the required fields in this contact form. A person with sufficient knowledge and authority over this matter (i.e. the claimant) must provide the requested information.

We review your app to ensure a high-quality Facebook experience. If a restriction has been placed on your app, it is most likely that your app is not fully abiding with either our user data policies, Community Standards, Facebook Platform Terms, and/or Ad Guidelines. If you would like to appeal an app restriction, please submit an appeal via the appeals area located within your developer dashboard here.

Please use our Facebook Payment Support for Monetizers form here. Select Game / App (Developer) > Update account records > Change the organization associated with my app or Facebook page

Please read this Help Center article that explains discrepancies between Facebook Ads reporting and third-party reporting. There are a number of possible contributors to data discrepancies between the data we report and other third party analytics providers. We ask you check that both the timezone and the attribution window you have set across your analytics software matches. If you are still encountering issues, you can report any issues via our developer bug reporting tool, with the tag Facebook Analytics.

You can report any issues via our developer bug reporting tool, with Canvas tagged. In addition to the tool, we also have an active Facebook developer community, an additional forum to interact with the Facebook team and other developers with regards to applications you are building on the Facebook platform.

If you have a play game button on the page, this will no longer work/respond from the moment you remove the app from the store. You should change the button and there are a number of different options available (message, call etc.) Please refer to this help page for a full rundown on how to add/modify a call-to-action button for your Page.

Here is a list of companies that provide advertising services on the Facebook Platform. Advertising Providers on this list have all signed the Platform Terms for Advertising Providers and are bound by all Facebook policies. Developers must only use services from companies that appear on this list. At this time, we are not able to add any other partners to this list.


All instructions on developing and preparing your games for the Gameroom platform, including SDK integration and game compliance, can be found here.

Mac and Linux platforms are not currently on our immediate roadmap, but we will continue to monitor this based on player demand.

You can report any issues via our developer bug reporting tool, with with Gameroom tagged under the following categories: (1) API and SDK, (2) Developer Tools > App Dashboard.

Once you have completed your Gameroom integration, please submit your game to our platform by completing the Gameroom submission form.

All Web/Canvas Games can automatically be ported to Gameroom's native client, if your game does not appear listed please submit the following form HERE.

Please fill out this form to submit your game for Gameroom featuring-consideration by the Facebook Editorial Team. The Editorial Team considers your requested timing, game quality and performance, reason for request, and the overall Featuring Calendar in their decision-making process. Should your game be selected for a feature, you will be notified via email (to the address included within your survey submission) a week in advance.


You can fill out this form to submit your game for feature consideration by the Facebook Editorial Team. Please note that a submission via this form does not guarantee a feature. The Editorial Team considers your requested timing, game quality and performance, reason for request, and the overall Feature Calendar in their decision-making process. If your game is selected for a feature, you will be notified via email (to the address included within your survey submission) a week in advance of your feature request. If you haven't heard back from the team within this period, please consider your last application unsuccessful. We highly recommend developers to send a request at least a month in advance.

Please fill out this form to submit your game for Gameroom feature consideration by the Facebook Editorial Team. The Editorial Team considers your requested timing, game quality and performance, reason for request, and the overall Feature Calendar in their decision-making process. Should your game be selected for a feature, you will be notified via email (to the address included within your survey submission) a week in advance.

The Facebook Editorial Team will notify you via email a week in advance of your feature request. If you haven't received an update 7 days from the feature date, your feature request has been unsuccessful this time round and you are more than welcome to submit another request via the form.


Facebook is not in a position to settle disputes regarding admin roles. We recommend reaching out to the previous admin to have them grant you access by assigning you an admin role. You can find the steps to adding an admin to a Page here.

If your page has been unpublished by Facebook and you would like to appeal the decision, you can appeal via the appeal form here.

If you're an admin and your Page has a profile picture and cover photo, your business Page may be eligible for a gray verification badge. All steps for gray badge verification can be found here.

Full instructions on how to change your page name can be found here. Keep in mind that changing your Page's name won't affect its username. Learn more about the guidelines for Page names here.

To report a Page or profile from Facebook: (1) Go to the Page or profile from a computer, (2) click on the three dots below the cover photo, (3) Scroll down and select Report or Report Page and then follow the on-screen instructions.

If you have an issue with your Facebook Page, please use this form to tell us about the issue you're experiencing.

Accounts that impersonate other people aren't allowed on Facebook. If you want to report content because you believe it is pretending to be you, you can learn how to submit a report in the Help Center here.

If you are the Page admin, you will be able to edit the Page username by going into the About section and clicking on Edit next to your current Page username. From there you can enter a new username, if the username is available and follows the guidelines for custom usernames, click Create Username.

If you want to transfer your Facebook page to another person or account (who must have a Facebook profile) please ensure that they are your Facebook "Friend". You can then go to your page to manage the Admins, click "Edit Page" > Admin Roles . . ., type the person's name and then click "Save Changes".

To report a Page or profile from Facebook: (1) Go to the Page or profile from a computer, (2) click on the three dots below the cover photo, (3) Scroll down and select Report or Report Page and then follow the on-screen instructions.

Payments and Compliance

Подробную информацию об обновлении информации в своем аккаунте см. здесь. Каждый раз после обновления финансовой информации аккаунт на 10 дней переводится в состояние ожидания. Платежи обрабатываются только по прошествии этого периода. Период ожидания может быть сокращен, если вы подтвердите владение аккаунтом PayPal или банковским счетом. Для подтверждения владения счетом отправьте нам выписку по нему или справку из банка на фирменном бланке. Для подтверждения владения аккаунтом PayPal можно отправить снимок экрана.

Если вы — администратор аккаунта, информация о связанном с вашим аккаунтом финансовом администраторе доступна на панели Business Manager. Если вы хотите, чтобы вас добавили в качестве финансового администратора аккаунта, обратитесь к администратору своей организации. Когда вы добавите друг друга в друзья на Facebook, администратор сможет добавить вас напрямую через сайт Facebook Developers.

Чтобы задать вопрос по своим последним выплатам, воспользуйтесь формой поддержки Монетизация: поддержка платежей на Facebook и выберите категорию Игра/приложение (разработчик) > Выплаты > У меня вопрос о недавней выплате.

По всем вопросам, связанным с платежами и подачей жалоб, обращайтесь в службу поддержки Facebook по платежам.

Если вы передадите эту проблему на более высокий уровень или создадите дополнительные заявки в поддержку, это усложнит работу команды поддержки платежных операций. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам продолжать общение с ней через уже используемые каналы коммуникаций.

В форме поддержки "Монетизация: поддержка платежей" выберите Игра/приложение (разработчик) > Обновить записи аккаунта > Изменить организацию, связанную с моим приложением или Страницей Facebook.

В форме поддержки Монетизация: поддержка платежей на Facebook выберите Игра/приложение (разработчик) > Обновить записи аккаунта > Изменить организацию, связанную с моим приложением или Страницей Facebook.

Каждый раз, когда вы совершаете продажу на платформе Facebook, полученные деньги зачисляются на ваш баланс разработчика (за вычетом комиссии за услуги Facebook). Комиссия за услуги Facebook составляет 30 % от каждой транзакции, совершенной через Платежи Facebook. Кроме того, удерживаются все применимые налоги на продажу или НДС. Дополнительные сведения см. в наших условиях оплаты.

Информацию о начислении и выплате налогов можно найти в разделе 3.9 Условий оплаты.

Пожаловаться на такое нарушение можно здесь. Обратите внимание, что этот канал зарезервирован для отправки жалоб о возможных нарушениях прав конфиденциальности пользователей, связанных с их изображениями на Facebook.

Ads, Pages, Instagram accounts, and Apps that promote or facilitate online RMG are only permitted to have a presence on Facebook with our prior written approval. Please fill out this form if you are looking to advertise Real Money Gaming on Facebook & Instagram. Please note that each on-boarding is undertaken only for specific domains and regions. Being approved for one region does not entitle you to target another region. Similarly, for every new domain that needs to be promoted, a new on-boarding request needs to be filled out.

Если ваше приложение использует функции оплаты и подписки Facebook, подробную информацию о возвратах платежей вы можете найти в отчетах о платежах Facebook. Полное руководство можно найти на странице, посвященной отчетам о платежах.

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