Instant Tournaments is a feature that helps Facebook users discover and play games with friends and others through Feed, building connections with each other through lightweight competition. This is a popular feature is available in both the Instant Games SDK and the Cloud Games SDK, and now available across platforms with Cross Play.
Returns a list of active tournaments that can be surfaced in-game that includes tournaments in which the player has created, the player is participating in, or the player's friends are participating in. This tournament information can be queried via Graph API as follows:
GET /{user-id}/tournaments
To make calling this API easier we provide a high level wrapper in the Android and iOS SDK which will allow you to query tournaments for the player.
Updates a player’s score in a tournament. Scores posted using this API should be consistent and comparable across game sessions. This tournament information can be updated via Graph API as follows:
POST /{tournament-id}/score
To make calling this API easier we provide a high level wrapper in the Android and iOS SDK which will allow you to update tournaments for the player. Required fields include tournament ID and the score.
TournamentUpdater().update(tournament: tournament, score: score)
Renders an Instant Tournament creation dialog where a user can create a tournament and share a post to Feed. Required fields include the score and a tournament configuration object. Optional fields include title, endTime, scoreType, sortOrder, payload, and image.
Before showing the share dialog to share a new tournament we need to create a configuration for the tournament.
var newTournamentConfig =
new TournamentConfig.Builder()
.setTournamentTitle( /* Optional title string*/ )
.setTournamentEndTime( /* java.time.Instant for the endtime */ )
.setTournamentScoreType( /* Type of score; see TournamentScoreType enum */ )
.setTournamentSortOrder( /* Sort order for scores; see TournamentSortOrder enum */ )
.setTournamentPayload( /* Optional string data blob */ )
On iOS, create a delegate to handle completion, cancellation, and errors of the dialog. Conform any class to the ShareTournamentDialogDelegate
and implement the following methods:
class DelegateForShareDialog: ShareTournamentDialogDelegate { func didComplete(dialog: ShareTournamentDialog, tournament: Tournament) { // Dialog was completed succesfully; do what you want with tournament object } func didFail(withError error: Error, dialog: ShareTournamentDialog) { // Handle the error returned from dialog } func didCancel(dialog: ShareTournamentDialog) { // Dialog cancelled } }
Once configuration (and the delegate for iOS) is complete, show the share dialog.
This dialog performs an app switch if the Facebook app is installed on the device. For Android, it would try to open the overlay inside of the game app first. If the player does not have the Facebook app installed, the dialog is opened in the mobile browser.
TournamentShareDialog shareDialog = new TournamentShareDialog(getActivity());
new FacebookCallback<TournamentShareDialog.Result>() {
public void onSuccess(TournamentShareDialog.Result result) {
result.getTournamentID // Will return the newly created Tournament's ID
public void onCancel() {
// The user cancelled the dialog without creating and sharing the Tournament
public void onError(FacebookException error) {
// Handle any dialog errors
});, newTournamentConfig);
Renders an Instant Tournament re-share dialog where a user can post a score to an existing tournament and share a post to Feed. Required fields include the score and tournament.
Similar to tournament creation, this re-share dialog performs an app switch if the Facebook app is installed on the device. For Android, it would try to open the overlay inside of the game app first. If the player does not have the Facebook app installed, the dialog is opened in the mobile browser.
TournamentShareDialog shareDialog = new TournamentShareDialog(getActivity());
new FacebookCallback<TournamentShareDialog.Result>() {
public void onSuccess(TournamentShareDialog.Result result) {
result.getTournamentID // Will return the updated tournament's ID
public void onCancel() {
// The user cancelled the dialog without updating and sharing the Tournament
public void onError(FacebookException error) {
// Handle any dialog errors
});, tournament);