Test User Data Access

To test your re-login flow when your app's access to people's data has expired, FB Login provides the ability to set a custom expiration period for test user data access.

Set an Expiration Period

To set a custom expiration period for access to a test user's data:

  1. Go to the Dashoard and choose your app.
  2. Open Roles in the left-hand menu, and select Test User.
  3. Click Edit to the right of the test user for whose data you want to set the expiration period, and in the drop-down list choose Change data access expiration time.
  4. In the Login Expiration Time dialog box, set Expire Data Access Faster to Yes.
  5. Enter the expiration period in minutes between 1 and 43,200 (30 days), and click Save.

Now, when you log in as this test user, access to your data expires after the number of minutes you entered in the Login Expiration Time dialog box.

Test Your Re-login Flow

When access to someone's data has expired, they must renew consent for login by tapping the Continue with Facebook button, and they must agree to permissions again.

To test your app's re-login flow:

  1. Go back to your app and tap on the “Continue with Facebook” button.
  2. Tap OK to accept the read permissions (and OK again to accept write permissions where applicable).
  3. Log out.
  4. Wait for the expiration period you chose.
  5. Open your app and verify that you see the Continue with Facebook button.
  6. Tap the Continue with Facebook button and verify that you see the permissions dialogs again.