The Facebook Business Extension (FBE) is a click-through popup interface available to approved partners that allows a Facebook user to create and connect business assets (for example, Business Manager, Facebook Page, product catalog, and so on) and set up ads and product shops on different surfaces (Facebook/Instagram).
The onboarding process includes:
In this context, onboarding is the creation or selection of assets, commerce account creation, and distribution channel setup.
You can set up Facebook Shops without anything at hand, except an eligible Instagram account. This means that any of your sellers can start an FBE flow without an existing catalog, Business Manager, ads account, and so on. Sellers can create all required assets within the FBE flow.
To use Instagram Shopping, the account must satisfy our requirements.
You can perform your setup via the FBE click-through popup UI. This UI allows sellers to create and select assets and select product and distribution channels.
The FBE product contains a click-through installation, FBE management view, and FBE API set.
The FBE flow are outlined in the next steps.
Initiate the FBE click-through popup to complete the FBE install. Sellers can select assets and select products they want to work with (ads, offsite, Facebook Shops, Instagram, and so on). FBE clicks through a popup redirect seller into your surface after a successful installation.
{ "client_id": <client id>, "display": "page", "extras": { "business_config": { "business": { "name": "<business name>" } }, "repeat": false, "setup": { "business_vertical": "ECOMMERCE", "channel": "COMMERCE", "currency": "USD", "domain": "<seller domain>", "external_business_id": "<business id in your system>", "pixel_id": "<prefilled id if exist in your system>", "timezone": "America/New_York" } }, "redirect_uri": "<url to redirect after onboarding is complete>", "response_type": "code", "scope": "manage_pages,publish_pages,business_management,ads_management,instagram_basic,manage_business_extension" }
After successfully installing, you can pull asset IDs, user tokens, and Instagram shopping status. Learn more
Example Requestcurl -i -X GET \ "<version>/fbe_business/fbe_installs?fbe_external_business_id=<external business id>&access_token=<access token sanitized>"Example Response
{ "data": [ { "business_manager_id": "0123456789", "commerce_merchant_settings_id": "0987654321", "onsite_eligible": true, "pixel_id": "000111", "profiles": [ "000111222" ], "ad_account_id": "000111222333", "catalog_id": "123456789", "pages": [ "1234567890" ], "instagram_profiles": [ "000111333" ], "ig_shop": { "status": "NOT_SUBMITTED" } } ] }
Get the system user token access to get a Page token for the commerce account.
Example Requestcurl -X POST \ -F 'app_id={app_id}' \ -F 'scope=ads_management,catalog_management,manage_business_extension' \ -F 'access_token={user_access_token}' \ -F 'fbe_external_business_id={fbe_external_business_id}' \<API_VERSION>/<client_business_manager_id>/access_tokenExample Response
{ "access_token": "<system user token>" }
Review commerce account details using the merchant_settings_id
and Commerce API status.
curl -X GET -G \ -d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \{merchant-settings-id}/?fields=setup_statusExample Response
{ "data": [ { "shop_setup": "SETUP", "payment_setup": "SETUP", "review_status": { "status": "REJECTED", "reasons": [ { "code": "UNKNOWN", "message": "Your account is not eligible for Facebook Shops at this time.", "help_url": "" } ] } } ] }
Use our commerce webhook to monitor commerce account status changes. For example, to see if sellers enable new channels, make changes to Checkout on Facebook/Instagram to Checkout on another website or vice versa, complete the setup, pass our integrity review, and so on.
To change the commerce setup for sellers, direct them to the FBE management view.
Example Launch Link<your app id>&external_business_id=<external business id>&tab=commerc