使用 iOS 的原生廣告範本

發佈商整合原生廣告時,如果想省去從頭打造廣告的繁瑣程序,便可利用自訂的 Audience Network 原生廣告範本。您可自訂原生廣告的大小、色彩和字型,以配合應用程式的外觀和風格。

繼續操作前,請務必詳閱 Audience Network 新手指南iOS 新手指南


步驟 1:範本實作

步驟 2:進一步自訂

步驟 1:範本實作

• 原生廣告實作

現在,在檢視控制器標頭檔(如果您是 Swift 用戶,則為 Swift 檔)中,匯入 FBAudienceNetwork、宣告遵從 FBNativeAdDelegate 通訊協定,並新增廣告單位的實例變數:

import UIKit
import FBAudienceNetwork

class ViewController: UIViewController, FBNativeAdDelegate {
  private var nativeAd: FBNativeAd?
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@import FBAudienceNetwork;

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <FBNativeAdDelegate>

@property (nonatomic, strong) FBNativeAd *nativeAd;


然後,在檢視控制器的實作檔中新增方法,以初始化 FBNativeAd 並要求載入廣告:

override func viewDidLoad() {
  // Instantiate the ad object.
  // NOTE: the placement ID will eventually identify this as your App, you can ignore it for
  // now, while you are testing and replace it later when you have signed up.
  // While you are using this temporary code you will only get test ads and if you release
  // your code like this to the App Store your users will not receive ads (you will get a 'No Fill' error).
  let nativeAd = FBNativeAd(placementID: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID")
  nativeAd.delegate = self
- (void)viewDidLoad 
  [super viewDidLoad];
  // Instantiate a NativeAd object. 
  // NOTE: the placement ID will eventually identify this as your App, you can ignore it for
  // now, while you are testing and replace it later when you have signed up.
  // While you are using this temporary code you will only get test ads and if you release
  // your code like this to the App Store your users will not receive ads (you will get a no fill error).
  FBNativeAd *nativeAd = [[FBNativeAd alloc] initWithPlacementID:@"YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID"];
  nativeAd.delegate = self;
  [nativeAd loadAd];

YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID 顯示的編號僅為測試用的臨時編號。


若要瞭解如何產生即時版位編號,請參閱 Audience Network 設定


func nativeAdDidLoad(_ nativeAd: FBNativeAd) {
  if let previousNativeAd = self.nativeAd, previousNativeAd.isAdValid {
  self.nativeAd = nativeAd

  let adView = FBNativeAdView(nativeAd: nativeAd, with: .genericHeight300)


  let size = view.bounds.size
  let xOffset: CGFloat = size.width / 2 - 160
  let yOffset: CGFloat = (size.height > size.width) ? 100 : 20
  adView.frame = CGRect(x: xOffset, y: yOffset, width: 320, height: 300)
- (void)nativeAdDidLoad:(FBNativeAd *)nativeAd 
  self.nativeAd = nativeAd;
  [self showNativeAd];

- (void)showNativeAd
  if (self.nativeAd && self.nativeAd.isAdValid) {
    [self.nativeAd unregisterView];

  FBNativeAdView *adView = [FBNativeAdView nativeAdViewWithNativeAd:self.nativeAd withType:FBNativeAdViewTypeGenericHeight300];

  [self.view addSubview:adView];

  CGSize size = self.view.bounds.size;
  CGFloat xOffset = size.width / 2 - 160;
  CGFloat yOffset = (size.height > size.width) ? 100 : 20;
  adView.frame = CGRectMake(xOffset, yOffset, 320, 300);



範本檢視類型 高度 寬度 內含屬性

FBNativeAdView TypeGenericHeight300



圖像、圖示、標題、相關內容、說明和 CTA 按鈕

FBNativeAdView TypeGenericHeight400



圖像、圖示、標題、副標題、相關內容、說明和 CTA 按鈕


若要使用高度為 100 和 120 選項的範本來顯示原生橫幅廣告,您必須建立 FBNativeBannerAd 實例,並將其顯示在 FBNativeBannerAdView 檢視實例中,如下所示:

在檢視控制器標頭檔(如果您是 Swift 用戶,則為 Swift 檔)中,匯入 FBAudienceNetwork、宣告遵從 FBNativeBannerAdDelegate 通訊協定,並新增廣告單位的實例變數

import UIKit
import FBAudienceNetwork

class ViewController: UIViewController, FBNativeBannerAdDelegate {
  private var nativeBannerAd: FBNativeBannerAd?
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@import FBAudienceNetwork;

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <FBNativeBannerAdDelegate>

@property (nonatomic, strong) FBNativeBannerAd *nativeBannerAd;


然後,在檢視控制器的實作檔中新增方法,以初始化 FBNativeBannerAd 並要求載入廣告:

override func viewDidLoad() {
  // Instantiate a native banner ad object.
  // NOTE: the placement ID will eventually identify this as your app. You can ignore it while you are testing
  // and replace it later when you have signed up.
  // While you are using this temporary code you will only get test ads and if you release
  // your code like this to the App Store your users will not receive ads (you will get a ‘No Fill’ error).
  let nativeBannerAd = FBNativeBannerAd(placementID: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID")

  // Set a delegate to get notified when the ad was loaded.
  nativeBannerAd.delegate = self

  // Initiate a request to load an ad.
- (void)viewDidLoad 
  [super viewDidLoad];

  // Instantiate a native banner ad object.
  // NOTE: the placement ID will eventually identify this as your app. You can ignore it while you are testing
  // and replace it later when you have signed up.
  // While you are using this temporary code you will only get test ads and if you release
  // your code like this to the App Store your users will not receive ads (you will get a ‘No Fill’ error).
  // your code like this to the App Store your users will not receive ads (you will get a ‘No Fill’ error).
  FBNativeBannerAd *nativeBannerAd = [[FBNativeBannerAd alloc] initWithPlacementID:@"YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID"];

  // Set a delegate to get notified when the ad was loaded.
  nativeBannerAd.delegate = self;

  // Initiate a request to load an ad.
  [nativeBannerAd loadAd];

YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID 顯示的編號僅為測試用的臨時編號。


若要瞭解如何產生即時版位編號,請參閱 Audience Network 設定


func nativeBannerAdDidLoad(_ nativeBannerAd: FBNativeBannerAd) {
  // 1. If there is an existing valid ad, unregister the view
  if let previousAd = self.nativeBannerAd, previousAd.isAdValid {
  // 2. Retain a reference to the ad object
  self.nativeBannerAd = nativeBannerAd
  // 3. Instantiate the ad view
  let adView = FBNativeBannerAdView(nativeBannerAd: nativeBannerAd, with: .genericHeight100)

  // 4. Set the frame of the ad view (either manually or using constraints)
  let size = view.bounds.size
  let xOffset: CGFloat = size.width / 2 - 160
  let yOffset: CGFloat = (size.height > size.width) ? 100 : 20
  adView.frame = CGRect(x: xOffset, y: yOffset, width: 320, height: 300)
- (void)nativeBannerAdDidLoad:(FBNativeBannerAd *)nativeBannerAd
  if (self.nativeBannerAd && self.nativeBannerAd.isAdValid) {
    [self.nativeBannerAd unregisterView];
  self.nativeBannerAd = nativeBannerAd;
  FBNativeBannerAdView *adView = [FBNativeBannerAdView nativeBannerAdViewWithNativeBannerAd:self.nativeBannerAd
  [self.view addSubview:adView];
  CGSize size = self.view.bounds.size;
  CGFloat xOffset = size.width / 2 - 160;
  CGFloat yOffset = (size.height > size.width) ? 100 : 20;
  adView.frame = CGRectMake(xOffset, yOffset, 320, 100);


範本檢視類型 高度 寬度 內含屬性

FBNativeBannerAdView TypeGenericHeight100



圖示、標題、相關內容和 CTA 按鈕

FBNativeBannerAdView TypeGenericHeight120



圖示、標題、相關內容、說明和 CTA 按鈕

步驟 2:進一步自訂


  • 高度
  • 寬度
  • 背景色彩
  • 標題色彩
  • 標題字型
  • 說明色彩
  • 說明字型
  • 按鈕色彩
  • 按鈕標題色彩
  • 按鈕標題字型
  • 按鈕邊框色彩


您需要建置 FBNativeAdViewAttributes 物件並提供載入的原生廣告,才能呈現這些元素:


func nativeAdDidLoad(_ nativeAd: FBNativeAd) {
  // Instantiate the attributes to customize the view
  let attributes = FBNativeAdViewAttributes()
  attributes.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.9, alpha: 1)
  attributes.buttonColor = UIColor(red: 66 / 255.0, green: 108 / 255.0, blue: 173 / 255.0, alpha: 1)
  attributes.buttonTitleColor = .white

  // Feed the attributes to the view
  let adView = FBNativeAdView(nativeAd: nativeAd, with: .genericHeight300, with: attributes)
  ... Rest of implementation ...
- (void)nativeAdDidLoad:(FBNativeAd *)nativeAd 
  // Instantiate the attributes to customize the view
  FBNativeAdViewAttributes *attributes = [[FBNativeAdViewAttributes alloc] init];

  attributes.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.9 green:0.9 blue:0.9 alpha:1];
  attributes.buttonColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:66/255.0 green:108/255.0 blue:173/255.0 alpha:1];
  attributes.buttonTitleColor = [UIColor whiteColor];

  // Feed the attributes to the view
  FBNativeAdView *adView = [FBNativeAdView nativeAdViewWithNativeAd:nativeAd 
      withType:FBNativeAdViewTypeGenericHeight300 withAttributes:attributes];

  ... Rest of implementation ...



func nativeBannerAdDidLoad(_ nativeBannerAd: FBNativeBannerAd) {
  // Instantiate the attributes to customize the view
  let attributes = FBNativeAdViewAttributes()
  attributes.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0.9, alpha: 1)
  attributes.buttonColor = UIColor(red: 66 / 255.0, green: 108 / 255.0, blue: 173 / 255.0, alpha: 1)
  attributes.buttonTitleColor = .white

  // Instantiate the view and feed the attributes to the initializer
  let adView = FBNativeBannerAdView(nativeBannerAd: nativeBannerAd, with: .genericHeight100, with: attributes)
  ... Rest of implementation ...
- (void)nativeBannerAdDidLoad:(FBNativeBannerAd *)nativeAd 
  // Instantiate the attributes to customize the view
  FBNativeAdViewAttributes *attributes = [[FBNativeAdViewAttributes alloc] init];
  attributes.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.9 green:0.9 blue:0.9 alpha:1];
  attributes.buttonColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:66/255.0 green:108/255.0 blue:173/255.0 alpha:1];
  attributes.buttonTitleColor = [UIColor whiteColor];

  // Instantiate the view and feed the attributes to the initializer
  FBNativeBannerAdView *adView = [FBNativeBannerAdView nativeBannerAdViewWithNativeBannerAd :nativeAd 
      withType:FBNativeBannerAdViewTypeGenericHeight100 withAttributes:attributes];

  ... Rest of implementation ...


  • 探索程式碼範例,瞭解如何使用原生廣告。SDK 在 FBAudienceNetwork/samples 資料夾中提供了 NativeAdSample。使用 Xcode 開啟該專案,然後在裝置或模擬器上執行。