Troubleshoot Issues with App-ads.txt

The topic provides information about why we may be unable to verify your app-ads.txt file.

Note: It can take up to 24 hours for us to crawl and verify your app-ads.txt file after any changes you make. You may need to resubmit your app-ads.txt file for verification after this time.

IssueWhat you can do

We couldn’t find a valid app-ads.txt file.

Check the following:

  • You have uploaded the app-ads.txt file to the root of your website domain
    This must be the domain for the URL you listed in the app stores. For more information, see Verify Ownership of Your Mobile App in the Meta Business Help Center documentation.
  • You have not included www. in the website's URL
    The app-ads.txt specification requires that www. is dropped from the version that is uploaded to the website.
    For example, if the developer website is, use the following:
    Note: The App store listing can still contain the www. prefix. You only need to remove www. from the app-ads.txt file implementation.

  • You have only used one subdomain
    Only one subdomain can be used to verify app-ads.txt.
    For example, if the developer website is:
    this would not be accepted, as it is at the second subdomain.
    The following can be used:

We couldn't find your developer website URL in your app's store (eg Apple App Store or Google Play) listing.

Please add a developer website to your app’s listing in Google Play or the Apple App Store as detailed here. For Apple App Store listings please note that the App Support URL is not the same as the Developer Website URL.

We couldn’t find Facebook in your app-ads.txt file.

Follow the instructions here to ensure you have added a Facebook entry to your app-ads.txt file.

We couldn’t find a valid business, property, or app ID in your app-ads.txt file.

Follow the instructions here to ensure you have added a valid Facebook Property ID, Business ID or app ID to your app-ads.txt file.

If you use your Business ID, you will not need to implement app-ads.txt again for each app unless they are registered to a different Business ID or website.

There was a problem with the formatting of your app-ads.txt file.

Review the Authorized Sellers for Apps specification to ensure you have formatted your app-ads.txt file correctly. Ensure that all IDs are correct and that there are no typos.

A robots.txt file won’t let us access your app-ads.txt file.

We may not be able to access your app-ads.txt file if a robots.txt file restricts crawling. If your app-ads.txt URL redirects to a different hostname, note that any robots.txt file on that subsequent hostname can also impact crawlers, too.

Make sure you update your robots.txt file to allow Facebook to crawl your app-ads.txt file by adding the following two lines of text to your robots.txt file.

User-agent: facebookexternalhit/1.1 Disallow: