문서가 업데이트되었습니다.
한국어로 번역이 아직 완료되지 않았습니다.
영어 업데이트됨: 2020. 2. 25.
한국어 업데이트됨: 2018. 7. 10.

Add the Audience Network SDK to your App

It is recommended that you use the latest version of the Audience Network SDK for new applications.

This section explains how to add the Audience Network SDK to your app.

In This Section

Audience Network SDK for Android

Describes how to add the Audience Network SDK to your Android app.

Audience Network SDK for Unity

Describes how to add the Audience Network SDK to your Unity app.

Audience Network SDK for iOS

Describes how to add the Audience Network SDK to your iOS app.