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Server-to-Server App Sample Submission

This is a sample App Review submission for a fictitious Server-to-Server app.

Let's say you've developed an app that needs the ads_management permission to update items in your app users' Facebook ad product catalogs. You've completed development, have read the permission's description as well as our Facebook Platform Terms and Developer Policies, and have verified that your app uses data in an approved manner. Your app is now ready for public release, so you begin the app review process.

Adding Permissions

You sign into your app dashboard, click App Review, then click Permissions and Features. Your app needs the ads_management permission, so you search or scroll for and request it.

Once you have requested your permission click Continue the Request in the upper right corner.

Providing Verification Details

Next, under App Review > Requests, you provide details about your app. Click the arrow to the right of Provide verification details.

You then save your changes.

Note: If you haven't selected a platform for your app, you will need to do so. Under Settings > Basic scroll down to add a Platform. Select Website, enter the URL of your server, and Save your changes.

Describing Data Usage

Now you describe how your app will use the data that each permission will allow your app to access. In the Requested Permissions and Features click the arrow icon of the first permission.

Provide a general description of what your app does, then explain how the ads_management permission will provide value to your app users.

"Our app allows our ads management team to update product items within our Facebook product catalog to be shown in ads we run on Facebook. The ads_management permission allows me and my team to access our product catalog so we can update product details, such as price, picture, etc."

Next, you upload a screencast of your app and how it is using the permission.

You upload the following screencast:

Ocorreu um erro
Estamos tendo problemas ao reproduzir este vídeo.

You Save your changes and repeat these steps for the next permission, re-using the same screencast since it shows both permissions in use.


You've supplied everything we need to verify that your app uses the permissions you've requested, so you click Submit For Review.

Platform Onboarding Terms

Finally, you must accept the Platform Onboarding Terms by checking the box and clicking Submit.

You will receive confirmation that your app has been submitted. You can change or cancel your submission at any time.