Use breakdowns in Ads Manager to see the age of your audience, where they are viewing your ads, what devices they are using, and much more.
Data by Breakdown is available for the following:
When you select a breakdown in this category, you will see more information about who your ad was delivered to. For example, if you select Age, your results will be displayed based on age ranges.
You can also use Country, Region, or Designated Market Area (DMA) to break down your results by location. When you refine your reports to show geographic information, the data will reflect where people live or were located when they saw your ads, depending on how you set your location targeting.
When you select a breakdown in this category, you will see more information on the actions taken as a result of your ad. For example, if you are running a campaign with a Carousel ad, you can select Carousel Card to show how many clicks each card received.
This category shows more detail by day, week, two-week periods and months.
What's available:
What's unavailable:
You can analyze your data based on breakdowns and use the results to make decisions about future campaigns. For example, if more people interact with your ad in certain region, you might consider solely targeting people in this region or testing creatives to this audience.
Here are a few suggestions for analyzing your data: