Inflated Results

Hello, I would love if a developer would be able to help me troubleshoot an issue I'm having with my pixel. It seems to be wayyy overinflating my results (saying I have 30 leads when I really only have 8). I've gone through the event setup tool and I don't see any unnecessary lead events tracking. There is an automatic event that keeps firing that I would like to remove, but I don't see where I can do that.

I'm also getting a pixel error message saying I'm missing an app ID which I don't really get what that is or why it's neccessary.

And finally, a small portion of people are commenting on my ads saying the link is not working for them, even when we leave the link in the comment section. The link works just fine for me and most people, so I can't figure out why only a few people are having this issue.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

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