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How to get groups posts via the GraphAPI


I want to extract the posts of my own group via the Graph API. Is that possible?? The Groups API was deprecated. I saw that.

There is no quality information if that is still possible over the Graph API. All the documentation is complete bs. And you cannot contact the facebook team if you have issues. You always get another link to another shitty documentation.

+1 this if you feel the same...

Thanks for you help in advance

질문함 약 6개월 전
선택한 답변

Like you said, Groups API access had been deprecated.

6월 6일 오전 2:52

Ok so explain to me why there is a page on Graph API where I can get the posts from a group? And how can I use that? Is that also deprecated? https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v20.0/group/feed

6월 6일 오전 3:19

Deprecated means you cannot use that functionality anymore.

6월 6일 오전 3:20

Yes I know. But on that docs page it does not say it is deprecated. Why is this documentation so shitty?

6월 6일 오전 3:21

So your actual question is why the docs haven't been updated yet?

6월 6일 오전 3:32

No my question is if that endpoint will work? Becauso nothing says it is deprecated. Only the Group API is deprecated. That endpoint is out of the Graph API which is not deprecated.

6월 6일 오전 3:34


6월 6일 오전 3:35