Threads Access Token Expiry Documentation

The Threads long-lived access token documentation share 2 different refresh patterns. The getting started section suggests long-lived are good for 90 days for public and private accounts but only public accounts can be refreshed. Private accounts have to re-authenticate after 90 days. The Long-Lived Token page suggests tokens are good for 60 days and both public and private can be refreshed. Do we know which is correct?

Getting Started -> Authorization (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/threads/get-started#authorization)

Permission grants made by app users with public profiles are valid for 90 days. Refreshing an app user's long-lived access token will extend the permission grant for another 90 days if the app user who granted the token has a public profile. If the app user's profile is private, however, the permission grant cannot be extended and the app user must grant the expired permission to your app again."

Long-Lived Access Tokens (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/threads/get-started/long-lived-tokens)

Long-lived tokens are valid for 60 days and can be refreshed as long as they are at least 24 hours old but have not expired, and the app user has granted your app the threads_basic permission. Refreshed tokens are valid for 60 days from the date at which they are refreshed. Tokens that have not been refreshed in 60 days will expire and can no longer be refreshed. Long-lived access tokens for private Threads profiles can now be refreshed. In addition, permissions granted to apps by app users with private profiles are now valid for 90 days.

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