me/accounts endpoint is empty for user with a Facebook page

User has a Facebook page, but the me/accounts endpoint returns an empty array, even though it is visible to the access token debugger.

The permissions are all correct:

From the access token debugger, the access token is a valid User access token, and the scopes granted are user_photos, email, pages_show_list, pages_read_engagement, pages_read_user_content, public_profile

The page exists and is linked to the user account:

From the access token debugger, the granular Scopes are pages_show_list, pages_read_engagement and pages_read_user_content, and link to the page.

The page can be accessed

I can get the page ID from the access token debugger I can get the page access token using /{pageid}?fields=access_token I can therefore access the page content this way.

The me/accounts endpoint is empty

  "data": [

Affects all API versions.

I believe this is a Facebook bug? Any ideas how to fix?

已發問 約 3 個月前

Try adding the business_management permission to the token. Have a look here:

To access accounts using a business_id or for a user who owns any business Pages, the app must be approved for the business_management permission.

If business_permission is not included in the token permissions, users/pages using the Meta Business Suite will not be included in the response. That is probably why you get the empty data.

6月24日 07:37

I am trying to get bussiness_management permission for my app but it keeps getting rejected with the reason that the business_management permission request was rejected due to the unclear use case. Any solution for that?

6月27日 01:55

We got it approved just by showing in the screencast and in the app review forms the links to their docs and the example of request with and without the business_management. We also stated that we want to support users who are using the Meta Business Suite on their end and that was sufficient.

6月27日 04:10

Hey, Krystian I couldn't find this text on the /user/accounts page. Are you on a specific version? I checked the recent 3 versions, 18,19 and 20

To access accounts using a business_id or for a user who owns any business Pages, the app must be approved for business_management permission.

We're also facing this issue, and adding the business_management permission fixes the issue, but it's not mentioned in the docs. They'd prob reject the app review :(

7月11日 18:23

Hey, Ian Have you managed to solve this issue? We are facing the same issues. I tried to use business_management permission as it suggested and it works, but I am not sure we will be able to pass App Review for that permission. I have tried to report a bug but it impossible now. It seems that bug reporting disabled, at least for Graph API issues.

7月25日 09:27