Interruzione parzialeshare-external
UTMS Incorrect

Hey everyone, I'm having an issue with FB utms being wrong.

We're using the following utm;


We're using tPar as that get recognised on our browser and the utms then get stored server side. However upon the link loading we get the following variables (example); tPar%5Butm_source%5D=facebook &tPar%5Butm_medium%5D=fb &tPar%5Butm_campaign%5D=Facebook_Desktop_Feed &tPar%5Butm_content%5D=120209762395080781 &tPar%5Butm_term%5D=120209762395080781 &utm_medium=paid &utm_source=fb &utm_id=120208342270000781 &utm_content=120209762395080781 &utm_term=120209762395010781 &utm_campaign=120208342270000781 &fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0BMAABHWFG-GzfpNpVTQ9gTAxvD2M6hUSS3vb_E6zsVfBInGFv-TKrIj6vJ5vxcA_aem_gGhCnqOwSAumK5CPjKs0BQ&h=AT3F6c3R6Y07XGqHC4a-nVKmwTjPaBwfbO61yc0dxLYIfDNcBswlb30PxZdN7gzH_YMixpkcOtcNoujlsT6e6eTEc3U725Va117WMds05j3geeqv7wAf_vzFv-QtkxqxvNaqWh8oMA6Hsvw So its being duplicated BEFORE the website loads (see here for URL path:

However the interesting thing is 25% of the leads we generate have utm_content which doesn't exist in our ads manager (ad ID).

We checked across every account we have access to and there's no ad id which exists.

Any idea why the utm is doubling up?

Does FB accept custom UTMS like this or do we have to follow the normal one? (this one: utm_source=facebook&utm_medium={{site_source_name}}&utm_campaign={{placement}}&utm_content={{}})

Thanks in advance!

Chiesta circa 5 mesi fa