After obtaining Page Public Content Access, I still can't retrieve public posts and comments from Facebook pages that I am not an admin of using the Graph API.

After obtaining Page Public Content Access, I still can't retrieve public posts and comments from Facebook pages that I am not an admin of using the Graph API.

For instance, using returns an error, and I can't get the correct data.

I initially thought it was due to the lack of the Page Public Metadata Access permission, but since I already have Page Public Content Access, I can't apply for Page Public Metadata Access anymore.

How can I use the Facebook API to retrieve public information, posts, and comments from pages I am not an admin of?

Here is the error message I'm receiving: { "error": { "message": "(#100) Object does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permission or reviewable feature, or does not support this operation. This endpoint requires the 'pages_read_engagement' permission or the 'Page Public Content Access' feature or the 'Page Public Metadata Access' feature. Refer to, and for details.", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 100, "fbtrace_id": "ACRDd78k1czCRtVXF4e7GGi" } }

Chen Lydia
Chiesta circa 2 settimane fa

How you got the public_page_content_access

27 giugno alle ore 20:35

Amit: By submitting it for review and it's no permission

28 giugno alle ore 05:16
Risposta selezionata

That ID doesn't seem to exist or is non public.

28 giugno alle ore 05:16
Chen Lydia

It's a public page.

2 luglio alle ore 02:06
Chen Lydia

same as:

2 luglio alle ore 02:07

Now it is, it wasn't last week when you posted this thread

2 luglio alle ore 02:10
Chen Lydia

I tried this again: and made sure I was using an application token rather than a user access token, but I still got the same error.

5 luglio alle ore 02:34