Cannot send template messages getting (#135000) Generic user error

I've tried several times, sending template via the API, now with 1 parameter and I get the same error. I send: {"messagingmarketing_product":"whatsapp", "template":{"components":[{"parameters":[{"text":"PARAM", "type":"text"}], "type":"body"}], "language":{"code":"he", "policy":"deterministic"}, "name":"inbox__data":{"details":"Generic user error", "messaging__id":"AL__241"}, "to":"972555033576", "type":"template"}}

I'm receiving: {"error":{"code":135000, "errorproduct":"whatsapp"}, "fbtraceiiz180gqQ5ywG-lNAA_g", "message":"(#135000) Generic user error", "type":"OAuthException"}}

Please help us overcome this issue as we cant send template messages.

It was working becuase using same API code and then suddently stopped working without any change from our side.

Asked about 7 months ago
Selected Answer

Hi, Has you found a way to solve the problem?

July 9 at 9:39 AM