Unable to add my Whatsapp Phone number in my portal

I am trying to use WhatsApp Cloud API. But, unable to add the number to my portal. Upon investigation, I checked I need this permission "owned_whatsapp_business_accounts", which is not exist.

Also when trying to subscribe for the webhook. It's returning an error. Which is given below: { "error": { "message": "(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (subscribed_apps) on node type (WhatsAppBusinessPhoneNumber)", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 100, "fbtrace_id": "Abwswff_F5VoR5FOR8QwBhr" } }

Please, help me to solve the issue. I am unable to use this before that.


تم طرح السؤال يوم الإثنين
الإجابة المحددة

Hi there, did you fix this? i think im facing the same problem, i can even use test number.

‏٧ أكتوبر‏‏١٠:٣٧ م‏111