Why WhatsApp Business Display Name is not yet visible for an already verified Business portfolio?

Business Verification is already complete and successfully verified, Even received email notification stating that "Your display name is ready to use." But the Display Name is not yet visible to customers neither is the status shown anywhere on Whatsapp Manager.

After attempting to identify the status of the Display name via API (https://graph.facebook.com/{{Version}}/{{Phone-Number-ID}}?fields=name_status) I got the response below: { "name_status": "NON_EXISTS", "id": {{PHONE_NUMBER_ID}} }

Up to now I still don't know what "NON_EXISTS" status means and how exactly to have the Display Name for the Verified Business to be visible on WhatsApp Customer Chats.

Neither has Meta done either of the three options mentioned after business portfolio is verified as listed here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/phone-numbers

Please help!!

Enviada el lunes

I have the same situation.

9 de octubre a las 3:26

I am facing the same issue.

9 de octubre a las 8:05
Respuesta seleccionada

I had the same problem, it looks like new display_names sometimes get in this weird state, nothing we can do. I changed the display name for a new one and it worked fine.

10 de octubre a las 11:20